Chapter 3

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"I'm Philza Minecraft, this is -"

"Tommy Innit."


"Wilbur Soot."

"And I'm Skeppy, although I just told you this..." he trailed off, embarrassed.

"Well!" said Philza in a cheerful voice. "Welcome to the household! My castle is your castle! Come on in!"

They walked back into the gigantic hall. It was big, very big.

"Yeah, points for noticing that, Skep."

"Did I say that out loud?" 

"No, I can read minds. Of course you said it out loud!"

"Techno, please show our guest... Oh wait, not guest... the guest room. Oh wait, it really shouldn't be called that..."

"Which room?" Techno interrupted Philza's monologue.

Philza looked at Skeppy's diamond blue outfit "The blue one."


"Could - you - please - stop - falling - over?" Techno kept catching Skeppy, as the latter kept tripping over things.

"Why are those things there?! They weren't there two seconds ago!"

"Welcome to our castle. There are literal things that go bump in the night. The problem is they don't only go bump in the night..."

Skeppy swallowed. "Are they dangerous?"

"Pff, of course not. We're still alive, aren't we?"

"That's not good enough!"

"Seriously, idiot, stop worrying. Worst case scenario you will end up with a broken body part, nothing worse."

At this point they walked up to the room. Techno opened the door with a flourish - 

"Oops, sorry, wrong room." the room opened was furnished in bright pink tones.

They walked on the 'guest' hall, and Techno threw open another door - finally.

Light blue bed cover, dark blue curtains, sky walls and blue topaz-colored objects. 

"Pretty" Skeppy sighed. It looked too much like his room back in his castle, reminding him of the good old days when nobody knew who he liked. 

Then he watched a chair sidle closer, until a rug flew from under his feet, knocking him into the chair. The door shut Techno out of the room as rug and chair pulled him to the wardrobe. Clothes danced through the air, looking in the mirror. After a couple seconds he was ready.

The door opened again, and Skeppy got to watch as Techno was rolled up in the carpet and dragged back to Skeppy's room. 

"My blood." Techno quietly cursed, and took Skeppy's hand. "If I don't, they'll force me. Let me show you the dining room. We should be having lunch soon.

As he was getting dragged towards the stair, Skeppy realized that the only inhabitant of the castle he had seen where the royal family. 

"Techno, why is there nobody besides you and your family? Where are the servants?"

"Are you kidding me? Have you not yet realized, are you that dumb?"

"You mean the objects do it all?"

"Well, Wilbur likes to shop, so he gets the food. That's really it."

"Why are they all alive?"

"It's a long story."

"We have time, come on!"

"Fine, here's what it - " and Techno tripped over the bulge in the stair, flew through the air, and hit the bottom.

"TECHNOOO! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Skeppy hurried down the stair, not realizing they were moving - 

"AAAEEEEE" the steps had vanished, leaving him with a smooth slide. 

When he stood up, he saw Philza looking at him, trying (and failing) to hide his laugh. Skeppy yanked Techno up, noting the rug bunching up and was that hissing? when he tried to let go. Philza laughed harder. 

"Dinner's ready."


Dinner was torture. Sitting next to Philza was like sitting next to a not-very-dormant volcano who kept watching your every move. 

Philza said he wanted Skeppy to sit next to him, since he was going to be his son in law, and wanted to get to know him better. He was freaking out. What if he decided not to like him? What if he sent him back to his dads with the words 'Meh, he's too dumb' or 'Nah, we don't want him' or something like that?!

Techno leaned closer to Skeppy. "Don't worry, Dadza already likes you."

He almost heard the table and cutlery going 'kiss kiss kiss'


But he already didn't want to hurt this family. They had been so funny in the few seconds he knew them. The castle was wonderful and he didn't mind the bruises he had acquired after falling - sliding? down the stairs.

So he kept quiet. 

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