Chapter 5

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Techno walked through the familiar woods. They were the same, even though the last time he had been here was ten years ago. He couldn't get out, though he knew this wasn't reality. He was trapped in these woods, in this memory, there was no way to open his eyes. He still tried, again and again, gasping as his steps, uncontrolled, pulled his consciousness closer and closer to that place. A scream echoed through his mind, his lips not moving. Whine of a sword drawn out of it's sheath, there were only a couple seconds left until - 

It was Skeppy this time. Familiar brown eyes, sky hoodie, shy smile, so out of place in this gloomy forest. Yet he looked like part of this, as designs out of mud marred the sky blue, slashes across his cheeks, and - worst of all - a sword. Stone shaft, a dull weapon, but heavy enough to crack someone's bones, rested heavily in his hands. Moving towards Techno.

His own shriek of surprise flying out his lips, sword slashing through the air - he was only defending, really, but it all came out much worse, stone flying through the air, bits and pieces, torn cloth lying on the ground, and the spreading - spreading - 

Techno's mind would not process what was before him. Red rivulets trickled farther and farther, covering everything, and finally, he was staring at a red oblivion, with one object, broken, shattered, lying in front of him. 


It was all that would come out of his lips - the only thing he could think here. 

A scene twelve years old inevitably came back. And it was his fault again. 

Slowly sinking onto the ground, the storm of pain and loss inside Techno shot out, tumbling him through darkness, until he fell onto grass. He knew this place too. A man stood in front of him. Pig-like tusks protruded from his bottom lip, a grin stretching his face. Muddy pink hair tumbled to his ankles in unruly waves, two glowing swords crossed in front of him. And Techno knew immediately that the man was him. 

(A/N yes, I know this is extremely similar to Heatwaves, Dreamnotfound by Tbhyourelame and yes, I am using their scenario. I wanted to give it a different ending. Most of the other Techno's weird mind breakdowns are the gist of many other Dreamnoblade fanfics out there. So I decided to join that river)

Techno pulled out his own swords, even though he knew this would be a fight he would lose. The man attacked. It only took him a couple seconds, and Techno woke up, shouting, his hand over his heart. He had been stabbed. In the heart. Twice. And he hadn't even lifted his swords up. 


Skeppy woke up to screaming. 

"Techno!" he yelled, rushing into the room. 

Techno whipped around, looking at the door. His face paled, mouth dropped open, eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. 

"Skeppy, why aren't you dead?"

More like not seen a ghost, but seen an alive ghost. Which was weird, because he seemed more surprised that he was alive, and not that he was seeing someone that was supposed to be dead. He'd have to ask Wilbur about that. 

It seemed that no one else had woken up. In truth, all three other residents were trying to fall back asleep. Techno had done that before, they were used to it. Now they just had to act extra-nice to him, so the monster inside him would go away quicker. 

"Of course I'm not dead, you idiot. Unless you tried to kill me - but I don't think so? I don't even feel sick, if it was poison."

Techno blinked. And then relaxed. "Ohh, it was a dream. Thank the Blood God."

If there was a Blood God out there, it didn't answer. 

"What happened? Why did you dream that I was dead?"

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