Chapter 10 (Happy Easter!!!) Also this one's hella long

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Technoblade was back in the forest. Last night he had been the lone survivor of the fight. He was so tired. Exhausted. Fighting by day, fighting by night. Worlds blurred and he could never really figure who was who. Only one little ray of diamond-blue sunshine shone through that gloom...

So instead of walking out into the clearing, he walked deeper into the forest. The moon shone brighter than sunlight in the black void of a sky, leaves glowed with an unearthly light. Shadows whispered about the prince who turned away from the fight. But he was too tired to be scared, too tired to care.

He walked out onto the clearing. The signs around the tree were gone in the dream. He reached out and he accidentally broke through the thin sugar-glaze coating that pretended to be bark. His fingers sank into the honey-goo substance that made up the entire inside of the tree. 
Why was the tree still standing? That's not how physics works.
Screw physics. decided Techno. I'm the Prince. 

It thickly dripped off his fingers, vaguely shimmering pale gold. 
He brought it to his nose. Sniffed. Sugar. Mint. Lemon. Ginger. Something disgusting and rotten.

Wait, what?

Wherever the sap (was it really sap?) touched his fingers, it turned purple. The rot spread until all of the previously-appetizing honey- Screw it, I'm calling it honey - became a disgusting purple.

It's a dream, right? I can do whatever, it won't harm me. Techno licked it. And almost threw up.
The taste was like - was like - uh... That plant that smelled gooey and tasted bitter-spicy-gooey. Mixed with rotten coffee and orange peels. Mashed up with raw fish and covered in swamp mud.
It smelled like it, too.

But Techno could feel the power already coursing through his veins, pulling him under. It bade him draw his sword. And directed his feet back to the clearing where he knew the other Techno waited.

The fight didn't last long. 

(A/N: So I had a plan for that scene that went like "Techno Nightmare Battle Scene and then his death + waking up" ...and then I began to write it)


(A/N: Look. I've never written Schlatt. Please forgive me for the OOC)

Skeppy, unlike Techno, couldn't sleep. He walked out of his room, drowsily flopped down the stairs, and tried to get to the kitchen for a cup of milk.

But in his snoozy state, he followed the path to the kitchen of his own home - which happened to lead him to hall.

Where he, in his confusion Where is the milk? Where is everything, actually, where am I? Awoke the ghosts.

Or, specifically, a ghost.
Of someone who a particular member of the royal family had wished to see for many years...

Sleep immediately forgotten, Skeppy stared wide-eyed at the boy floating in front of him.
Who was staring equally wide-eyed at Skeppy.

"Who are you?" 

"Me?" Skeppy pointed to himself, looking around for others the ghost could be talking to.

"Sure, why not."

"I'm Prince Skeppy. Who are you?"

"I'm Schlatt. J Schlatt."

Some far-off memory twinkled in Skeppy's skull. "Schlam... Ram boy..." he muttered.

"You! You're Wilbur's friend!"

Schlatt blinked. "You know of me?"

That's when Skeppy began to distinguish more details about the ram-boy.
Cracks in his horns. Deep gashes in his cheeks. Ripped clothes, missing foot. Fingers bent in odd positions, neck mutilated. Broken arm. Empty eye socket.

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