Chapter 11

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Everything is connected. Reading dusty history books from the dark recesses of the castle library had proven that for Techno.
And now this sheep.

Dear Blood God. thought Techno. It was the sheep that made him realize what Skeppy meant to him. Absolute shit.

Techno carded his hand through his hair, staring absentmindedly out of a window.

They were going to get married in two weeks. It was a marriage orchestrated by their parents. They didn't have to be in love. In fact, everything would be much easier for both of them if they both had lovers on the side, and no feelings mucking everything up.

But now? Techno's only hope was that the feelings would fade.

Back to the sheep.

Wilbur had walked into the castle with the sheep. 

Techno had walked through the castle with Skeppy.

The sheep was blue.

Skeppy had blue hair.

Wilbur liked the sheep.

Techno... Techno liked the Skeppy.

It was mathematical and neat. 

Techno was going to slam his head against something. 

Look, at least Wilbur was a bit happier. No, who was he kidding. Wilbur was SO MUCH HAPPIER.

And Techno would just have to get over himself.


It was also around this time that Philza began dropping hints about the progression of the relationship of the two princes. He tried to tell them that they should, you know, get more cozy together.

That night, Skeppy wandered into Techno's room, and proposed kissing, for practice for the wedding. "So, uh, we won't look like we're, uh, kissing, like, for the first time" he mumbled.

Techno blushed like hell, freaked out, and rushed into the bathroom and locked himself in there.
Skeppy waited for a couple minutes and left, confused but slightly relieved. "Maybe tomorrow?" were his parting words, setting Techno into another fiery blush that stayed for hours.


Skeppy woke up to a horrid noise. It sounded like a high-pitched chainsaw slowly sawing through a screaming crow.

When Skeppy looked outside, he saw a stork and an eagle, with the latter attacking the former. So he swung open the window, fit an arrow into his bow, and fired. Sheer luck and a handy wind pointed his arrow towards the eagle, and the freed stork pointed itself at the open window.

That's how Skeppy ended up with a stork, amidst a mini-hurricane of white feathers, on his floor.

"Are you okay?" It was a common legend that storks could communicate with humans, but usually they never stayed for prolonged conversations. Legends being legends, Skeppy didn't approach the animal. What if it had rabies? 
That's when it turned into a girl. Skeppy yelped, scrambled back, and stared at the girl. She was pretty. Her white, loose clothes had faint feather-patterns, and her hair was snow-white. Scratches and small wounds covered her pale skin, and her small body looked broken, lying prone on the stone floor. Then she opened her blue eyes and Skeppy's heart stopped. 

"I- uh- who are you?" He could barely form words.

The stork-turned-girl grinned. "I'm a werestork. All storks that bring children are werestorks. We're like werewolves but storks. And we control our changes."

"Whoa. Wait, that means if you bite me, I'll turn into a stork, too?"

"Uh, I think so? Wanna try?" 

Skeppy blinked. "No thanks."

"But actually, I'm here for that! You're the straight one, right?" She gave him a one-over, and rubbed her neck. "Dunno, you look pretty gay."

"Uh, what?"

The werestork laughed. "We take all the straight people, and they become werestorks! How do you think babies are made?"

"Storks bring them." Everybody knew that!

"Well, where do the storks bring them from?" 
She had Skeppy confused. "Uh, I-" Strange. He had no idea.

"Well, let me tell you a secret. When a woman and a man do it together, the woman can have a baby. We take those babies and that's how the rest of the world gets babies!"

Skeppy was absolutely flabbergasted. "I- don't they- aren't they sad when their babies get taken?"

"Nope! They don't want babies. That's just a side effect of, uh, it between men and women." 

"You're lying."

The girl turned her arm into a wing. "Do I look like I'm lying? I'm definitely a werestork, and I could even take you there. That's really what I'm here for - since you like women, you'll have no problem joining Straight Storks!"

Skeppy shook his head. "I don't want to become a stork. I like my world like it is!"

"Okay, then. If you ever want to join, just say 'I'm straight', and we'll come for you. Bye!" She fully turned into a stork and flew off. 

Why didn't I say yes? If I wanted to do IT with a woman, and I do, I should've said yes! What's wrong with me?

And even then, he didn't say "I'm straight". He did clean up the feathers.

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