Chapter 1

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"Y/n-chan!! Could you hurry up and come here?!" you could hear your senior shouted as you ran as fast as you could "H-huh? Y-yes!!". You wonder what made your senior call out to you as usually she never did that. "W-what's wrong, senpai?! Are you okay?! Is there anything I could-.." You were panting as you were running as fast as you could. After catching your breath, your eyes widened when you saw him. "Todoroki-san, this is Y/n L/n. She will be the one that helps you with your next mission.." You stand there dumbfounded as you look clueless at your senior "Um pardon?". "Todoroki-san said need a healer and support types for the mission. His agency said you are the best recommendation. So he came here to pick you up. Aren't ya happy~ " you furrowed your brows as you were still trying to process everything. "The mission will be at Okinawa. There are 3 types of quirks that will be best fought using your quirk. About the details, you could read them in this file-" you heard him start flooding you with the information about the mission and handed you the file. You could still hear him talking as you shook your head "Wait!! Stop!!!! Hold on!!". Hearing you stop him, he falls silent as you sighed "What is actually going on..". "I'm here to pick you up for the mission-" you looked up at him feeling troubled "Stop right there, todoroki-san. First of all.. I haven't even said I will take this mission...". "You won't take this mission?" he furrowed his brows, seemed didn't understand why you would turn down the mission "Is it about the money? We could pay you double of the offer.. If it's your concern-". "Stop.." you pushed the file back to his chest "It's not about the money. I'm not interested, that's all.. I'm honoured that you and your agency thought of me for this.. Please leave". You gave him a light polite bow before leaving the room. He was standing there speechless. Usually people would even try to butter him up, do anything to be in his team. This is the first time for him being turned down by a female. "Haaa~ That girl.. Todoroki-san. Please, don't take her words to heart. I will try to talk it out to her. You could leave the file here." your senior gave him a small weak smile as he just nodded his head "Thank you. I do hope she will reconsider it.".

You sighed as you grumbled, you hated this already. Your senior managed to talk you out and now you are in a car with the famous Shoto Todoroki. While everyone said they envy you, you just feel this will be troublesome. You hate combat. You glance at him, he is as handsome as the rumours have said. 'That scar.. It must be painful..' it seems you are staring at him too long as your eyes end up meeting with him "Is there something matter, l/n-san? Do you have any questions about the mission?". "H-huh? A-ah no.. Not really.. It's just.. I'm curious. Why me? There are many heroes that have similar quirks as me and are way better healers.." you smiled awkwardly at him. He was silent for a moment before staring right into your eyes, making your heart thumping a little "Because you are the best suit for me..". Hearing that, you quickly looked away from him "I see.. Guess compatible quirk really necessary for this mission". 'Ah dammit.. What's with him.. And what the hell is wrong with me?' you sighed as you somehow felt your cheeks feeling hot 'Don't read into that too much, y/n..'.

Never in your wildest dream that you thought you would also work with Katsuki Bakugo. You could see how annoyed he is and you know how bad his temper is. "You're late!" He glared at both you and todoroki. You flinched when you heard how harsh his tone was "I-i'm sorry..". You mumble quietly as you already feel like you want to go back home. "There was traffic.'' Todoroki said his excuse as that of course ticked bakugo off "Then go early, dammit!! Who do you think you are making me wait huh!?!". 

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