Chapter 5

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It's either you are sucks at running away or he is just that good at finding you. Again you are trapped between him and the wall and again he throwed those same questions "Fine!! Yes I'm avoiding you!! Happy?! It feels weird when I'm around you!!! That's why I don't want to be around you!!". You squeeze your eyes tight, ready yourself to hear another harsh comment from him. Minutes passed, there was nothing, not even a sound of him clicking his tongue in annoyances. You slowly opened your eyes, peeking at him. He just stood there frozen. You blinked as you waved your hand in front of him "Bakugo..san?". No response. Looking around, you tried to slip away before again he slammed his hand to that wall, preventing you from getting away again. Gulping, you back looked at him, but to your surprise, his expression isn't like usual. It's not his usual irritated expression or annoyed or angry or agitated, his expression is more to hurt mixed with sadness. He opened his mouth, seemed about to say something but then back closed it. Pulled away, he just left you there dumbfounded and confused. The way he looked just now, somehow made you feel a bit regretful of what you've just said towards him. Since what happened that day, you barely see him around. He seems to talk to you only when it comes to something work related or he needs you to heal him, once the deed is done, he just left. Somehow this made you feel a bit sad and honestly, a bit lonely. Usually you would find him late at night in the kitchen, making something. Not anymore and honestly you start missing talking with him. "Bakugo-san.. Does something matter?" You finally approached him. He only glanced at you as he was back busy cleaning his gears "No.". Heard his cold and short replies, you bit your lip before coming closer to him "Are you..perhaps angry at me?". You could see his hand stopped working as he finally looked at you, clearly with an upset expression "Me? Why the fuck am I? Aren't you the one who can't stand being around me?". "W-what? N-no! I never said that-" you saw him suddenly get up as he was coming closer to you. Somehow you reflex backed away from him, saw you back away like that, you could see his expressions changed for a brief moment. It somehow he looked sorta hurts, before he jst back sit down and back cleaning his gears "Fuck off, l/n.. You're pissing me off". "Sorry for bothering you..." you sulked as you just took your leave.

Sighing, you sat alone in the backyard "What's with him..." you mumbled as you plucked the grass nearby. "L/n-san? What are you doing?" you flinched when you heard the familiar voices. Looking up, you could see Todoroki staring at you. You gave him a small smile "Oh I just.. Trying to clear my mind.. Do you need something, todoroki-san?". His eyes glanced to the grass that you've plucked before looking back at you "No. I'm on break and I was thinking of getting some air..". "Ah..Thank you for the hard work. Well, it's a nice breeze out here.." he could see you smiled brightly. "Then is it alright if I join you?" it surprised you a bit but you nodded your head as you scoot aside, making room for him to sit beside you. Saw that emot spot, he sat beside you then staring at the afternoon sky. Like always, it really ends up in an awkward atmosphere. "Todoroki-san", "L/n-san-". Both of you looked at each other as you then ended up chuckling, it seems you aren't the only one that feels like having to break the ice. Seeing you chuckles like that, again he could feel his heart beating "Please go first, l/n-san" . "The mission.. It's almost over. Honestly, I never thought I could go through it until the end.." you awkwardly chuckles and fiddled with your fingers "..but..I'm glad I listened to my seniors and took this mission.. At first I thought I would just give up midway". "What changed your mind?" you were silent for a moment before looking up at him "You and Bakugo-san.. Saw the two of you doing your best.. It made me want to keep going too.. It's just, both of you are really cool. Like you two keep fighting with all you got. For someone as cowardly as me.. You two look really amazing and cool.. I'm really glad I got the chance to get to know you two too!!" you gave him one bright smile, that sincere and innocent smile from you enough to make his brain stop working. Feel his stare, it surprises you when you suddenly feel his lips over you. Your eyes widened when he gave that brief kiss. The time he pulled away, your face slowly turned red as a shocked expression could be seen on your face. "L/n-san.. I like you..".

-Bakugo's POV-

Since that day, he has been thinking long and hard. He notices how his eyes are always finding her. The urge to keep talking with her, even though he hates how timid she is most of the time. Everything she did ticked him off, it annoyed him. At first he thought he wouldn't be able to bear with someone as timid and cowardly as her. He hates it when every time she has 0 confidence about herself. Yet despite how weak and how irritating she is, somehow he can't help himself end up wanting to take care of her. At first he thought it was out of pity, but slowly he realised that it's not all that there. His mind keeps ending up thinking about her. It irritates him every time some other guy gets closer to her, especially when Todoroki is friendly. After consulting with Kirishima and Mina, he realised he had fallen for her. It was slow but surely he did. He didn't know when, but it didn't really matter to him. He sighed as again his mind ended up thinking about her. The last time she said she felt weird being around him, it sorta made his heart ache. He took his friend's advice to give her some space. He know he shouldn't have said that to her, told her to fuck off after she is the one who approached him. Yet the way she backs away from him like that, it somehow hurts. "Dammit, what the fuck is wrong with me.." he grumbling as he stopped cleaning his gears. Getting up, he went to look for her. It took time for him to find her, but the time he did find her, he could feel his heart being ripped out from his chest. Gritted his teeth, he turned his back and rushed away from there.

Locking himself inside his room, he punched the wall beside him. Made it crack and his fist bleeding "Dammit!!". He clutched tight his chest, he could feel the intense pain on his chest. His heart felt like it was being stabbed. Remembering the sight of Todoroki kissing her, numbing his mind and heart. He could feel tears threatening fall from his eyes and he tried his best to suppress the urge to strangle his own friend with his own two hands. The thought he is only minutes late to find her, that thought killed him inside.

-End of Bakugo's POV-

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