Chapter 9

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-Bakugo's POV-

Took his leave from the room, he heard how Todoroki asked for her hand in marriage. Bit his lip, he decided to just take a walk. He couldn't bear to hear her answer. Buying coffee from the vending machine, he sat outside as he sighed. The cold night breeze sure eases his feelings a little, helping clear his head. He pulled out the small box from his pocket and opened it, starting at the ring inside as he then closed it again. He hates himself for always thinking about the worst outcome. The way she always looked and smiled at Todoroki, he always hated that sight. "Dammit..." he gritted his teeth in frustration as he shoved that small box back inside his pocket. Glanced at his watch, almost half an hour had already passed. He got up from the bench heading back inside. He saw how Todoroki closed the door as he glared at him. He walked passed him as he then grab Bakugo arm "Don't say anything stupid.. Give it up, Bakugo.. She already belongs to someone". Heard that, he could feel his heart ached a little as he pulled his arm away from Todoroki "Fuck off, half half".

The time he opened the door, he could see her sitting there with blushing cheeks while eating a pudding. He hates it. Her cheeks blushed right after that guy left the room. It annoyed him not knowing what had happened while was gone and what made her blushing like that. Sat on the chair beside her bed, she gave him a small smile "Um.. Thank you for always visiting me and checking on me..". "It's a given. You end up in hospital because of me" he could see her shaking her head "..It's because of my selfish action and it's also a given, since Bakugo-san always protects me during the mission.. What I did for you is the least I could do...". He could see how her smile softened as she looked at him, her words so sincere, it made his heart flutter. "Never do such idiotic things ever again. You know how crazy worried everyone is?" he looked at her with annoyed expression yet she could see clearly how his eyes filled with worries. She was silent for a moment before giving him a teasing smile "Oh~ Does that mean you are worried too?". "Of course I'm, you idiot! Why do you think I've been coming here everyday-" he could see the surprised expression on her face as he quickly shut his mouth and looked away. His ears were bright red, while her cheeks turned bright red. He then could hear her giggling as he looked at her with an upset expression "What?! Why are you laughing?". She shook her head, "It just.. I'm happy~ and I feel relieved that you didn't actually hate me..". "Shut the fuck up.." he roughly patted her head, that somehow just mae her giggled more. His eyes then saw a small red box nearby her pillow as he then pulled his hand away.

"So, when is the date?" he could see her flinching a little as her eyes followed where he was looking. Trying to six her hair, she averted her gaze "W-what are you talking about...". "I heard a little.. You said yes?" he could see how she was fidgeting a little before answering him, "Um...Not really..". "The hell is that even meant.. I think you should have said yes.. He ain't that bad" he could see how she looked up at him with a shocked expression. There is a brief silence and honestly it's killing him inside after saying that "You...think so? Do you...really meant it, bokugo-san?". "Why not? What is he lacking?" he could feel his heart ache, especially when he saw her weak smile "...You...are right".

-End of Bakugo's POV-

You sighed as you stared at your phone screen "Ah geez.. They sure are late..". You lean against the wall nearby as you then stare at the ring on your finger. Your other finger is fiddling with your engagement ring as your cheeks blushed lightly. Never thought you would end up marrying that man. After a rough one year you spent with him and engaged to him, you learnt many sides of this one man that you've never known he has. "Y/n-chan!! Sorry we are late!!" you could hear the familiar voices as you saw Ochaco, Mina, and Momo. Your face brightened when you saw them but you pouted a little, pretending you are upset for them being late. "You guys are late~ You could've called if you were about to be late, you know~". "Hehehe~ Sorry, y/n-cahn~ Something suddenly came up at work" Ochaco hugged you as you just sighed and hugged her back and smiled "Fiiine~ Shall we go then? It's almost time for the fitting". The three nodded their heads, as Mina grinned "I can't wait to see that dress!!!". Momo nodded her head "Don't worry, if nothing to your liking, I could alway make one for you, y/n". "I can't believe you are marrying him, y/n-chan. He is lucky to have you as his wife soon. I want a y/n-chan as a wife too~" Ochaco cling to you as you just chuckles "You only want me because I'm good at cooking and baking~ Geez~". Even you yourself still can't believe that you are getting married soon to that man. 

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