Chapter 7

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The gentle and cold breeze seems to relax her body, making her eyes somehow look heavy. "If you are sleepy then go inside.." he glanced at her, who is already about to fall asleep, yet she just shook her head. "I'm..not.." she mumbled clearly, already half asleep. Another minute passed as the sounds of the guitar somehow lulled her to sleep and it didn't long as he could feel her head leaned on his left arm. Sighing, he put aside his guitar and looked at her sleeping face "How careless..", he mumbled as his other hand stroked her cheek in a caring way. "Mmh.." he flinched and froze for a moment, afraid the touch would wake her up. He sighed in relief when saw that wasn't enough to wake her up. His eyes stared at her lips as his thumb brushed over it. His heart ached again remembering what he saw today "That fucker..", he grumbled as another sigh escaped his lips. He stayed like that for a few minutes while just staring at the night sky, before he leaned his head on top of her head "...How can I make you choose me over him..Someone who has everything like him...". Little she knew, while she was sleeping that deep, she took her hand, holding it in a gentle way. He knows he has to let go of her soon or later, he also knows what he did is pathetic but even if it's only a brief moment, just for tonight, he wants to savour every moment he could get with her before she would choose another man. This brief moment he has with her, he will treasure it "...just..a bit longer...". He mumbled as he looked at her with a bitter smile. Leaning down, his lips about to touch hers. "What do you think you are doing, Bakugo?" he froze as he looked up to him. He could see Todoroki glare at him by the door. He walked towards him as they stared at each other before he could feel a punch on his cheek. It surprised him how the guy who usually could keep his cool ended up losing it. Bakugo being himself, of course he punched the guy back. Which made you that leaned on him fall down and woke you up.

The time you opened your eyes, you could see how they're at each other's throats. Gasped when saw what is happening, you shout at them "What is going on?! Stop it you two!!". Hearing your voices, Todoroki pulled away his punch and looked back at you, making him end up being beaten up by bakugo. Gasped you, ran towards them "T-that's enough!!! Bakugo-san!! S-stop!!!'. You could see how bakugo still hadn't snapped out of it, using your quirk, "ENOUGH!!!!"The cold water splashed both of them. Seems your cold water did bring his sense back as you could see him get off from todoroki. You rushed approaching Todoroki as you could see his face more beaten up than Bakugo's face "a-are you alright?". You could heard bakugo scoffed as you glare at him "What is wrong with you?! Why are you so violent?!". Seeing how you seem to be taking todoroki's side rather than him, he gritted his teeth. It upset him seeing how you care about todoroki more than him, "You taking this bastard side without even asking what happened? Ha! What a perfect fit between someone as dumb as you with somene like him. Aren't you all women the same, whoring yourself to get his money-". He could feel a hard slap on his cheek. There was brief silence as both of them looked at you in shock. "You damn-" again you slapped his cheek before he even could mutter another word. Falling silent, he kept his head low as you turned your back and helped Todoroki to get up, "Can you walk, todoroki-san? Let's clean up the wounds..". "Yes. Thank you, l/n-san.." he glanced at bakugo before leaning on you a bit, nothing serious about his wounds but if it meant could pulled you to his side, he will even willing broke his bones. Seeing what he did, Bakugo realised how cunning Todoroki could be. He knew how strong Todoroki is and it just struck him how the time they heard your voice, he stopped fighting back. Saw you left with Todoroki, he clenched his fists as he knows even though he seems to win the fight, he is actually losing it. 

There you sat with him inside your office as you healed him, there was only silence filling in the room. "Is there anywhere else you are hurt, todoroki-san?" you sighed as you tried to sound fine after hearing those words thrown at you by the person that liked you. "No.." you saw him shake his head as you nodded in response "Then you are good to go-". Just when you are about to get up from your chair, he grabs your hand "Todoroki-san..?". "About this afternoon.. Have you thought about the answer?" you fell silent as you nodded your head "...I'm sorry..but I have someone I like already..". "Is it Bakugo?" you flinched as you looked away, hiding your blushing cheeks, "He already has someone he is interested in, l/n-san".

-Todoroki's POV-

"He already has someone he is interested in, l/n-san", he looked at her right into her eyes. It made him anxious about how much she already knew about Bakugo's feelings. He knows how dense she could be most of the time and he knows how slim his chances are to get her heart. Then he saw that weak bitter smile "Mhm.. I know.. He told me he already has someone his heart set on..". 'Ah he hasn't told her.. Guess luck is still on my side..' convinced she knew nothing and realised Bakugo hadn't made any much movements, he won't let the chances slide. "But.. I don't think I could accept your feelings, todoroki-san.. It's not like I hate you or something.. It's just I didn't share the same feelings with you-" heard her saying that, he cut her words as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze "Yet... You haven't shared the same feelings with me yet right now..and I will not just give you up, l/n-san.. Let me prove it to you, how serious I'm about this. Because I know you do feel it too even if it's only a little bit". He could see how surprised she was and how her cheeks faintly blushed, he knew she did feel something for him. Even though it is probably not as big as her feelings toward Bakugo, he believes feelings could grow according to Midoriya's explanation. "T-todoroki-san.. I don't think-", "If you didn't.. Why didn't you push me away at that time or slap me because I crossed the lines.." she flinched a little as he could see her face turning bright red. "How about you give it a try with me? I assure you, you won't regret it", she saw how serious and how his eyes were full of determination as she sighed "I will..give it some thought..Please let go of my hand, todoroki-san-". Small smile made it to his face as he let go of her hand and got up from the chair. He knows at least for now, he got her attention and this will keep her thoughts busy enough so she won't think about another guy.

-End of Todoroki's POV-

Seeing that smile, you averted your eyes. It caught you by surprise when he suddenly leaned closer to your face. 'Omg omg omg is he gonna kiss me?! W-wait I don't think I'm ready-', panicking, you trying to decide what you should do. His hand then reached to touch your cheek, "You got an eyelash fall on your cheek.. Hold still..". Seeing how you suddenly closed your eyes, he wondered what went through your head"Hm?Why are you closing your eyes-". Then it struck him as he tried to hold his chuckles, " Are you expecting something?". You flinched as you opened your eyes, feeling embarrassed with your own thoughts. You studden when you see him chuckles lightly, when you are opening your eyes. "N-no! O-of course not! W-what are you talking about-" just when you tried to make up an excuse, he pecked on your cheek. This is the first time you saw him smirking in a teasing way. Back standing straight up, he headed to the door as he then looked over his shoulder "..Rest well, l/n-san. We will start the mission early tomorrow morning". Closing the door, your face turned as bright as it could be and it took you long to get back into your senses 'W-what was that?! I-is he always like this?!'.

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