Chapter 4

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-Todoroki's POV-

"Are you out of your mind?!" Bakugo flipped the table as Todoroki just sighed. "She is the one who decides it, bakugo. I told her it was dangerous but she refused to listen to me." He could feel the glare from him "Fuck that! It's your job to convince her! You are the one who dragged her into this mess! Fucking fix it!". He could see how Bakugo slammed closed the door when he left the room. He has been trying to convince her to stay behind but she is too stubborn to listen. After what had happened with Bakugo and how badly injured he is because of her, she refuses to stay behind because she is afraid that something urgent happened. As much as he admired her courage, he couldn't help feeling jealous. Cleaning up the mess that his friend caused, he looked at her paper. His cheeks faintly blushed. The time he saw her name as a recommendation, he couldn't help but feel excited. He has had a crush since quite a long time ago with her. The first time he met her was when she helped him on his first mission after he graduated. He knows she probably won't remember him, but for him since the first time he laid his eyes on her, he couldn't help falling for her. He likes how gentle she is when treating someone's wounds. He sighed as he put the paper down "..maybe I should get wounded Bakugo". He mumbled to himself. He has been trying to get close to her but socializing isn't really his strong point. Hearing the knocks on his door, he went to open it. His heart fluttered a bit when saw her "Sorry to bother you, todoroki-san. But I would need your signature for some medicines..". "I see. Please come in.." He opened the door wider and stepped aside to let her walk in. He could see she gasped a little "W-what happened?". He was silent for a moment before answering her "I forgot to close the windows and the wind blew everything.. A deep apologies for all the mess". He quickly went picking up the rest of the papers that scattered on the floor. "Oh let me help" he could see how she rushed to help him. Watching her this close sure made his heart racing "Thank you, l/n-san..". He could see her small smile as she nodded her head 'Ah.. she's smiling..'. Feeling his hand stopped moving and feeling him staring intensely, she awkwardly looked at him "Um todoroki-san? Is there something wrong?". Somehow it crossed his mind, he remembered the advice he received from Urara. Taking his shot, he looked her in the eyes "L/n-san..". "H-huh Y-yes?? W-what is it, todoroki-san?" took a deep breath, he spoke in full confidence and seriousness "Your eyes are good and fit you". She looked at him confused, there was a brief silence before she spoke "I..guess?Yes? They are?? Um I'm sorry, but I.. could you repeat it once more? I don't really get what you meant, todoroki-san". Seems she didn't get it that he is complimenting her. Realising his mistakes, he tried once again "I meant they look good..on your face". It sure took her long enough and when she realised what he just said, her face turned bright red. She quickly looked away, somehow the floor looked more interesting now for her "T-thank you.. Y-you too have really nice eyes..". Of course there is an awkward silence and atmosphere. "A-anyway, h-here you go. All of your documents and um please give me the signature as soon as possible" she hurriedly handed all the papers she had gathered to him before just leaving the room. He facepalmed himself as he sighed and mumbled "Did I mess it up again...".

-End of Todoroki's POV-

'W-what was that?! What is going on?! Omg omg omg' you could feel your face burning. Never you thought he would give a compliment to you. You could feel your heart racing like crazy. You didn't even know why you feel that way since as far as you know, you have no crush on him or do you? Your eyes widened at the thought as you shook your head while walking as fast as you could. You should've looked where you are going as you bumped hard into someone. You could feel he catches you. "Ah.." you looked up at bakugo with your dumb looks. Seems your brain has stopped working. "Look where you are going, dammit! Are those eyes only for display?!" heard his voice, you realised how close he is still holding you. Again your face turned bright red. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" you could feel his forehead touching yours as it didn't make your red face any better. Panic and didn't know what to do, you headbutt him. That made him let go of you. "You little-" just when he is about to explode at you, you have already vanished. You ran into your room while screaming inside your head. Locking the door, your back leaned to the door as you let yourself slide down and sit on the floor. Covered your face with your hands, you back screaming inside 'AAAAAAAAAA WHAT WAS THAAAAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM TODAY?!'. You could feel your heart about to explode from beating too fast. Since then, you back become awkward around them. Well more like you didn't know how to keep your heart calm. Especially around Todoroki. Everything was all normal as long as you aren't alone with one of them.

-Bakugo's POV-

Realising the sudden changes in behaviour of her, it somehow ticked him off. She has been avoiding him as much as she could. He didn't know why it bothered him that much, but he didn't like it when she didn't even look him in the eyes anymore. Had enough with the way things are. He cornered her. Literally cornered her, trapping her between himself and the wall. The kabedon has happened. Even with this, she keeps looking away "What the hell is going on?". She flinched as she raised the book she was holding, trying to hide her face behind it "I-i don't know what you are talking about, bakugo-san..". Seeing how she hid behind that book, veins could be seen bulging on his forehead. The way she kept hiding and avoiding him sure upset him. She could feel how he took away her book and just tossed it away "Why are you avoiding me huh?". "I-I'm not.." he saw how she kept looking away. "Tsk!" he leaned down closer to meet her eyes "Why you lied, what are you hiding, dammit-". Her eyes widened when saw how he leaned closer. Again, she ended up headbutting his face. "L/n, you little shit-" and again she ran away from him. He could feel his nose bleeding a little "L/n... You fucker..". He gritted his teeth. Somehow everything is agitating him. "The hell is wrong with that woman..." he wiped the blood as he then again tried to find her.

-End of Bakugo's POV-

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