Chapter 2

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You hate it. Everything. The running, the fight, and doing everything in a rush. This is why you prefer working at the hospital more than joining the front liners. "Stop moving around, bakugo-san! I can't heal you!!" you are panting as it's hard for you to keep up with him. "Tsk! Just do your job!" you could hear him click his tongue as you tried your best to heal him. Your quirk is controlling power and apparently that isn't the only thing about it, it could heal wounds but to heal those wounds, you have to at least touch that person's skin to make your power effective. With bakugo moving around like that, of course it's hard for your powers to work. "T-todoroki-san, can you melt your ice please! Bokugu-san please stop moving for a minute! Can you please cover us, Todoroki-san?!" You didn't know how these two could still move with all those wounds, they aren't that severe but it sure is a lot and painful. Another side effect for you is, healing that wound means you have to feel the same intense pain they feel. Your staminas and energy isn't the only price you have to pay for using your quirk. That long, hour-long fight, finally over. You wiped the blood from your nose as you sighed. Using your power that much sure took a toll on your body. "Are you okay, l/n-san?" you could hear todoroki voices as he handed you a bottle of water. With a pale face, you looked up at him "What do you think?". You could see his expression didn't change even a bit, but little did you know, he was worried and felt bad when saw how pale you were, "Thank you for your hard work. Tomorrow, it's alright if you want to stay behind.". You are a bit surprised to hear that from him. You never expect he would be that nice, because you heard he is a strict person that will not care about others "I-it's alright.. I just need to rest a bit..Um..Good work today too". You tried to offer him a small smile. It was brief. Really brief but you did see a faint smile on his face before his face back with his usual poker face "If you need something, you can tell me or anyone here. Your room would be the third door. ". With that, he left you speechless.

You seem to fall asleep in that living room. You are still holding the bottle that Todoroki handed you before, but what you wondered was since when there is a blanket over you? The plan was just closing your eyes to rest them for 5 minutes, but you seem more exhausted than you thought. However, that's not why you end up waking from your nap. Your nose catches a really nice smell, making your stomach growl. Looking at your watch, you gasped '1 am?! No wonder I'm hungry..'. Sighing, you got up and followed the nice smell that led you to the kitchen. "Bakugo-san?" You were a bit surprised when you saw him there cooking. Never in your wildest dream would you find Katsuki Bakugo cooking in the kitchen. "What? Why the hell are you up at this hour?" he glanced at you as you flinched a bit. "A-ah I fell asleep in the living room and-" didn't finish your words, your stomach growled as loud as it could. You could hear him scoffed as your face turned bright red "Sit there". "H-huh? P-pardon?" you tilt your head as then you saw him again glance at you "Don't make me repeat myself". "Y-yes, sir! S-sorry" you rushed to take a seat, just watching him. 'Never knew he could cook.. It smells nice too.. If you look closely, he looks sure good also. No wonder he also has many female admirers..' seems your stare is too intense, made him noticing you "What is it? If you have something to say then say it.". "H-huh? AH no it just.. I still can't believe I would work with you and Todoroki-san.. I meant, I'm not as famous as you two or strong..". "Like that half half said, your quirk is the best for this mission.. That's all the reason, to be said you are handy" you could see he brought two plates of omurice. Setting it down as he sits across you "Good work today. Now eat. Tomorrow, you still have to work. We need to wrap everything up in two months". You blinked as you stared at the omurice before starting to eat it "..Itadakimasu..". You sighed feeling content. After eating the tasty meals from him, you help clean up the kitchen before heading to your room. Laying on your bed after taking a shower and changing your clothes, you could feel how exhausted your body is 'I hope everything could get over quickly.. I wanna go home..Two months stuck with them huh..How troublesome'. It didn't take you long until you fell asleep.

Screaming. You've been screaming in panic for 10 minutes. Todoroki carried you over his shoulder while you healed him up. "Shut up, l/n!!" Bakugo glares at you as he tries to cover both you and todoroki. As much as you want to, you can't. Why? The enemies keep attacking your teams. Since you aren't as agile as them, Todoroki decided to just carry you so you could easily heal his wounds and keep on moving. It's been a week since you worked with them and today, everyone just treated you like a box of first aid kits. Throwing you here and there while carrying you over their shoulder or in their arms. "W-wait, t-todoroki-san.. I-if you move that fast- I-i'm feeling dizzy" you could feel your stomach twisted as you feel like about to puke since the way he carried you sure bounced a lot. "Hold for a few minutes, l/n-san. Let me find somewhere safe first" ah his voice is really close, some maybe will have a fluttered heart but you? You are just trying your best not to vomit your lunch. Finally letting you down, never you thought you would miss the ground so much. You cover your mouth with your hand, trying not to vomit. He looked at you with worried looks on his face "Hide here for now, l/n-san. I will go help bakugo. Don't worry, I will pick you up later.". You looked up at him with pale looks on your face as you saw him about to leave, you grabbed his hand "W-wait.. Your wound.. I haven't finished healing it.". "It's alright, this much is alright as long as I can move-" you looked at him with strict looks on your face "Sit and let me heal you properly". Seeing how determined you are, he sat beside you as you sighed. Touching his back, you flinched when you felt the intense pain from the wound on his back. The slash sure deep, you wonder how come he is still moving with this kind of wound while carrying you. "There.. And here.. Take this pill. I could heal the wounds but I couldn't get rid of the pain.." you pulled out a small box from your small pouch bag. Nodded his head, he took it without hesitation "Stay hidden. I'll be right back..". You sit there waiting behind those big rocks, staying hidden as you try to regain your energy 'I wondered if everyone is alright..'. As a medic, you can't help but start worrying especially after seeing how reckless Bakugo and Todoroki are. Never they back without wounds, they are always wounded here and there. They called it a scratch, but anyone who saw it knows it's not just a scratch.

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