Chapter 8

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When the morning came, you saw how Bakugo's cheek had quite a bruise. Guilt eating you up as you came closer to him "Bakugo-san-". He gave you a cold glare as you flinched but you toughen yourself up "I'm sorry.. For last night-". You could hear him sighed "It's fine. If that's all you want to say, stop bothering me". Your heart ached hearing him saying that, it ticked you off how he didn't even bother to apologies for the words he said "Why you hate me that much?". He flinched as he then looked at you and felt a bit attacked, "Aren't you the one who has beef with me?". "W-what? No, I'm not! You are the one who called me names in the first place", the guilt did eat him up too but the pride won't let him own it as he scoffed at her "If what I'm saying is not true, then why did you feel so offended by it? If you aren't like that.. Then it won't bother you this much.. Or is it the fact?". You could feel your heart shattered as you looked at him with a shocked expression. Your tears could be seen stream down your cheeks as you hurriedly wiped it away "I hope you rot in hell..". His eyes widened, realised he went too far, he was about to grab your hand but then heard how todoroki called to gather for the last mission.

How does it end up like this? You sob as you keep healing him. Blood kept gushing out from his stomach. Seems he is unable to focus on today's mission and ends up taking the hit because you were cornered by the enemies. Todoroki did warn you how dangerous it will be this last day and asked you to stay behind, but you being stubborn, you insist on going. "Wake up...Please wake up... I'm sorry.. Bakugo" you sob as you could see his breath getting weaker. You bite your lip as you force yourself to use your quirk. The intense pain almost puts you unconscious yet you keep biting your lip to keep yourself conscious and healing him. "That's enough,, l/n!" you could feel Todoroki grab your arm, trying to stop you as anyone could see how you already threw up blood. You just shake your head as you keep going. Your nose and ears start to bleed, your quirk starts to take tolls on your body. The guilt for throwing those words towards him, scared you. His wounds finally start to close up. "He is fine now!! Stop this!! Enough-" yet you just pushed Todoroki aside. You then saw how his eyes fluttered open as you sighed in relief, him waking up is the last thing you remembered before you ended up closing your eyes.

When you open your eyes, you are in an unfamiliar room. 'This smell...I see.. The hospital huh..' you sighed as you pretty much know what is going. Hearing the door open, you turned your head and saw Bakugo walking in with a vase of flowers. His eyes widened when saw you awake. Too shocked, he ended up dropping the vase and rushed out of the room. Made you blinked in confusion 'W-what's with him..'. Apparently, he ran to find the doctor and practically carried the poor man to your room like a sack of potatoes "Get on it, dammit! She is awake! Check her out!". You are about to say something but somehow you could feel how dry your throat is. "What's wrong?! Why can't she talk?!" He grabbed the doctor's collar as he started shaking him violently. "S-sir, please calm down. P-please let me examine her-" the doctor tried to calm him down as you then heard another voice "Please let the doctor go, bakugo. Let him work". You saw Todoroki as he just calmly closed the door. As calm as he looks, he is actually quite anxious deep inside. "Wa...ter" you spoke in a quiet and hoarse voice. Hearing that, he quickly tosses aside the doctor as helping you to take a sip from the glass of water. Took a few sip, you sighed in relief. "How long have I been out?". The doctor sighed "Half a month. Please excuse me, l/n-san". You nodded your head as you let the doctor examine you. Apparently, it's just you are exhausting yourself too much. It did have a side effect as now your body is weaker than before, if you end up pushing yourself to the limits again, there are big chances you won't be able to make it out alive anymore. Hearing that, you end up getting a long scolding from both Todoroki and Bakugo. "AAAAHHH~ Fine!! Enough!!!" you whined as you covered your ears with your hands. You just woke up and they are both already nagging you. "You better listen and remember it, you idiot! What's the use of this head huh?!", you could feel how bakugo keep poke your forehead with his fingers as you then looked up at todoroki, asking his help to stop Bakugo from scolding you. Of course he didn't help you and just added more scolding. "Oh my gosh!!" you grab the blanket and just cover yourself as you curl up under it covering your ears. You never knew these two men are way more worse than your parents in terms of scolding people. "Bakugo.. Can I have a word with l/n?" you flinched when todoroki said that as you could hear, the door being opened and closed again not long after that.

You could feel him sit on the bed as you then peeked out from your blanket. "If you are going to scold me again.. Please don't.. I get it already.." you looked at him with puppy eyes as he sighed a little as he shook his head. When you see that, you sit properly "What is it you want to talk about, todoroki-san?". He took your hand as you could see worries written all over his face "Please never do such things ever again, l/n-san..". "I know I know.. I'm sorry.." you sulked as again you felt like he was about to scold you again. "I'm glad you are alright and wake up.. L/n-san.. I know this is sudden and all.. But, seeing what happened at the last mission, I realised I don't want to lose you. L/n-san.. Marry me.." your eyes widened as your cheeks turned bright red. You could feel your heart racing as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze "You don't have to answer it right now.. But please give it some thought..". "Todoroki-san.." you could feel your heart beating like crazy as you feel his warm hand holding yours "..Actually I.."

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