Chapter 3

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You looked at your watch as you sighed, wondering where they were. Just when you got up from your spot, your eyes widened when you saw there was an enemy in front of you. "L/N !!" Heard Bakugo voice as you could feel him pull you close to him. It didn't take long until you heard his explosion. "Tsk Shit!" you could hear him click his tongue as you could feel the pressure of that explosion, which sent both of you flying. You closed your eyes tight, preparing any other impact. But nothing. You then heard him groan as you opened your eyes. Your eyes widened when you saw how you were still in his arms, while you could see the boulder behind him cracking and saw how blood dripped from his mouth. His other arm that holds you tight trembling, you could see how he is trying his best to stay conscious "S-stay still!! I will heal you!!". The time you touch his chest, the pain almost makes you pass out but somehow you could stay conscious. Broken ribs and back, the internal bleeding didn't make it better. You bit your lips as you could feel you were reaching your limit. You could feel the blood dripping from your nose. Seeing that, he grabbed your hand "Stop. You are reaching your limits". "N-no" you mumbled as you just pushed his hand away and kept healing him. "I said stop, dammit!". He pulled your hand away, "NO! Because of me you end up hurting this bad!". You glare at him, he could see how your eyes glistened, trying not to cry. "Enough. It's not like I'm dying. This is more than enough.. Take a break, l/n. It's not your fault. It's me and Todoroki's fault.. We wrongly calculated the enemies. You already heal half of my wounds. Take a break or I will snap your neck", you bit your lips as you just nodded your head "Please take this pill..for the pain..". "I'm not in pain-" you looked at him with your glistening eyes, made him again click his tongue in annoyance before taking the pill from your hand. You sit there with him waiting for Todoroki to find the both of you.

Once you are all back to the base, you still could feel the guilt eating you up. You felt like because of your incompetence, there were some casualties. "Here.." you saw Todoroki offering a bowl of soup to you. "Thank you, todoroki-san.." you gave him a weak smile. It surprised you as he sat beside you and started eating. It really is awkward being alone with him. Since the past few days, you have barely talked with him, while you actually start warming up with Bakugo surprisingly. "Todoroki-san..I..I'm sorry.. Because of me.. Today's plan is..'' you bit your lip as you remember how bad Bakugo injuries are. "It's not your fault. The plan today failed because our intels are lacking in gathering the information." putting down the bowl, still hearing that not making you feel any better "..but there are a lot of casualties..and because of me.. Bakugo-san is..". He saw how your expression is full of guilt, awkwardly patting your head. "You got it all wrong, l/n-san. If you weren't here, there would be a lot more casualties. Because of your quirk, many of our teammates are able to survive. That includes me and Bakugo. Thank you for being our medic". The patting on your head is awkward but you could also feel how gentle it is. You could feel your heart flutter a little as you quickly back looked at your bowl of soup "T-thank you..". Notice how you became embarrassed, he stopped patting your head as he got up and carried his bowl with him "Make sure you rest well too..". Seems like you aren't the only one who is blushed. Too bad, that time your eyes were fixed to the bowl instead of seeing how red his ears had become.

"I said I'm fine already!" you could feel him glaring at you as you put him on bed rest and it seems the mission will be put on hold for at least three days, yet this morning you saw Bakugo already trying to do some training. "You aren't! I'm the doctor and I know better" you glare at him as he glare back at you "It's my body! I know it better-". You then poke his rib as you could see how he flinched. "I haven't healed you fully.. Even though I healed your wounds, I couldn't get rid of the exhaustion.. " you sighed as you could hear him grumbling but just obediently back lay down. "Um.. Bakugo-san.. About that day.." he just turned his back at you "It's not your fault and stop being so annoying about it.". "Mhm.. Thank you.. For helping me.." You know he probably won't see it but you couldn't help but smile when heard his words. He flinched when feel your hand on his arm "Please stay still, I will heal the rest of your wounds..". "Make it quick.." he grumbled, somehow he felt glad that you only could see his back as he knew damn well his cheeks blushed faintly.

Half of the month passed, you sure get along with Bakugo but still pretty awkward with Todoroki if it's only the two of you. You yawned as you put down your pen and sighed, you rubbed your eyes as you finally finished writing down the reports of every person that went for the missions today. Being the only medic is tiring as you have to do both the report and treating everyone for their injuries. There are a total of fourteen people in this mission including you, "Let's double check it before taking a break..". You mumbled as you again went through your report paper. Feel everything is in order, you got up from your chair before leaving your office. Just when you passed the kitchen, you saw a familiar figure. "Todoroki-san? What-" Your eyes widened when you saw the black smoke as you rushed to him and turned off the stove then moved the burning pot to the sink before pouring water over it. "W-what are you trying to make?" you could still feel your heart racing from all the shock as you turned off the water once you saw no fire inside that pot. "...I was trying to make noodles..there are no cup noodles anymore for me to eat so..I try to use the instant one.." you looked up at him dumbfounded and confused "Why is it burning like that? Did you didn't put in enough water or did you leave the noodles unattended?". He looked a bit hesitant before answering you "I didn;t leave it unattended and I put enough water. It just took too long for the noodles to be done so I..use my quirk to..make it faster". "You...what?" you blinked as trying to proceed with all that information, you could see he averted his eyes "..I used my fire and ended up burning the noodles..". You are standing there still dumbfounded. Someone as brilliant as him making that kind of mistake? The famous cool and brilliant Shoto Todoroki? You bit your lips as you took a deep breath and tried to hold your laughs. "Ehm! Todoroki-san. How about I make it for you? What noodles do you want ?" you couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Ah no it's alright. I could make another one-" you shook your head "I won't let you burn another pot.. It's alright, I'm pretty good at making instant noodles". It took him a while until he gave up and sat there watching you cooking another instant noodle "I'm sorry for the trouble, l/n-san". You chuckled a little. "It's fine. I'm feeling hungry.", knowing this side of him sure made it not as awkward as before. Little did you know, he thinks you look good with an apron and a ponytail like that. Seems getting hungry in the middle of night isn't that bad.

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