Chapter 10

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You sit there as you look at the reflection of yourself. Your heart beating like crazy as you took a few more deep breaths. Waiting for sure could make anyone anxious sometimes. Closing your eyes, you could still remember how everything ended up like this. You can't help but have a small smile remembering the past.


"...You...are right" You weakly smiled at him as you tried to hold your tears from falling. There is silence filling the room, before you saw him get up from the chair "He is..your best choices.. Don't let it slide..". You just nodded your head weakly without even bother looking back up at him. Your head feels the gentle pat from his warm hand as you bite your lip, trying not to let your tears fall "Rest for now. I will head back". The time the door closed, you could feel your tears streaming down your cheeks. Maybe he was right, being loved would feel better rather than loving someone who isn't loving you back.

"Y/n..? Is everything alright?" you could feel him give your hand a light squeeze as you finally came back to your senses, "H-hm? Ah sorry, shoto.. What were you saying again?". He looked at you with a worried expression. You could feel his hand gently stroke your cheek "You've been gloomy these past few days.. If something is bothering your mind.. I'm here". You gave him a small smile as you put your hand over his "I'm alright. It's just.. The thought of getting married and preparing our wedding.. It's a bit overwhelming for me.. I'm so sorry, dear..". "If it's too much, we can push the date back again. I don't want you to end up getting sick.." you shook your head lightly "I will be fine~ You are worrying too much. Ah, when will you go for your next mission? Want me to go with you?". "In two days. No need. I will finish it asap.. But.. I think I will just skip this one-" you gave a light kiss on his palm as you sweetly smiled at him "Dear.. I will be fine. I could take care of myself.. You should go. You are a hero after all..". He froze as he saw what you just did before sighed in defeat "I promise I will come back as soon as possible..". You giggled as you nodded your head "Just please be careful okay.. Don't push yourself too hard either. Go easy on your subordinates too..".

-Todoroki's POV-

"Just please be careful okay.. Don't push yourself too hard either. Go easy on your subordinates too..", saw that smile of hers, it made him didn't want to go any more. With everything going on and how his agency kept growing, he barely could enjoy his time with her. Because of his work, they end up having to push their wedding date. Pulling her to his lap, he rested his head on her chest "...Do I really have to go..". He could hear her light chuckles as she stroked his head in a gentle way "I'm afraid you have to go, dear..". He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her waist as he closed his eyes, enjoying her stroking his hair 'This..feel nice..I don't want to go..'. "Hey now.. Don't sleep here-" not even finished her words, he stole a kiss from her. He could see how her cheeks blushed madly "S-shoto? What's wrong?". "Don't you think it's been awhile?" he could feel she shivered lightly from his touch on her back. "N-not here.. It would be really embarrassing if your subordinate saw us.." she put her fingers over his lips, trying to stop him from getting another kiss. Heard that, he looked at the door before lifting his hand. Just in a few seconds, the door froze. Her eyes widened as she gulped, while looking at him with a nervous smile "U-um..S-shoto?". She could see him smirking at her as she mumbled under her breath "...oh..god...". Pretty much, she knows she will have a hard time walking for a few hours after what he will do to her in his office.

He looked at her with puppy eyes, he sulked. "Shoto.. Go.." she sighed as she tapped his chest lightly. His hold on her is just getting tighter "...Come with me...". "I can't.. I have work to do to-", "Quit. I could support both of us. If it's money you are worrying about. I have a lot." hearing that, she pinched and pulled his cheek "Stop this, shoto todoroki. Go to work and do your duties as a hero...". Again he sulked when heard that from her. She sighed with a weak smile before giving his lips a light kiss "..Be good..The sooner you are going, the faster you are back home with me.". He gasped in realisation as he finally let go of her "You are right. I will be right back". He looked at her with determined and motivated looks on his face, making her can't help but giggle. Leaning down, he got another kiss from her before he gave her a bright smile "I love you, y/n.. I will contact you once I'm there..". "Mhm~ I love you too.. Have a safe trip. Come back soon, okay?". He bit his lip as again he didn't want to leave her, with a heavy heart, he finally took his leave.

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