Chapter 6

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You lay there in your bed, staring at the ceiling. Your face turned red just by remembering what just happened this afternoon. "Ah geezz...what the heck was that..'' you whined as you rolled on your bed. Sighing as you hugged your pillow, you still can't believe what had happened 'He said to think it through but..ugh..what do I do...should I just be his girlfriend? He is handsome...and that's not that bad..'. You touched your lips as you just groaned in frustration. It's not that you are in love with him or like him in a romantic way, but again do you really want to let these chances slide? Many women would kill each other to be able in your position. "Mom..what shall I do..." you mumbled, trying to think and figuring out your feelings towards him. "Argh! Whatever! Let's just sleep for now!" you turned your back and closed your eyes. Five minutes passed, and you are still not feeling sleepy. It's been three hours as you keep tossing around. Getting up, you decided to just take a walk and head again to the backyard. Somehow you heard faint sounds from the backyard 'someone playing guitar at this hour?'. Following the sounds, you saw a familiar figure sitting alone in the backyard with a small lamp. Opening the slide door, you approached him "Bakugo-san?". Hearing your voice, the sounds stopped "A-ah sorry for disturbing you.. I will go somewhere else-". "It's alright. Just closed the door so no one will hear.." your face brightened up as you rushed closed the door and then just sat beside him. "What song are you playing just now, bakugo-san?" you looked at him curiously as you saw how he set his guitar again before setting it aside. He silenced for a moment before looking back at you "I will tell you if you answered my questions". You tilt your head to the side a bit, wondering why he suddenly said something like that "Hm? Sure. What do you want to know?". "Is half half- I meant todoroki.. Are you two things?" It took you long until you understood what he meant as your cheeks blushed hard "N-no! We aren't! Ah geez, why would you ask about something crazy like that?!". "Then you like him?" you fall silent for a moment before sighing "..I..don't know.. I didn't hate's just...I don't mind working with him? Um...something like that? I meant I barely know him.. W-wait, why are you asking all of these?!" you looked at him embarrassed and flustered. He stared at you before looking away "Nothing. It just makes you two look close. I was wondering if stupid girl is his type or not..". "Ah I see- Wait what?! T-that is meant!" you pouted a bit, then you realised that he hasn't even answered your question and he is the only one who gets the answer for his questions "Ah! You haven't answered my question! It's my turn!". He scoffed as he back grabbed his guitar "Hell you want to know?".

Your face brightens up as you start to think "First, what was the song you played before? It's really nice..". "Sukinisasetakuseni..from Arekun.." heard that, you gasped "Bakugo-san. Does that mean you have someone you like?! I meant that song is about-". "I do.. So what? It's none of your business" hearing that, you didn't know why your heart ached. "O-oh.. did she know?" you tried to keep your smile as you heard him click his tongue "No.. I didn't plan to tell her anyway". "H-huh why? Does she already have someone?" it surprised you hearing him saying that since you know how aggressive he is sometimes, so you assume he is the type that will go for it. Again you heard the same melody 'Ah..this song..again..'. "She seems already like someone else.. Though that man is a bastard.." you could hear how pissed he is, somehow you feel a strange feeling inside of you. Somehow it just made you feel a bit upset hearing him talking about another woman "You should go for her then if that guy is really a bastard~ I don't know who they're but I think..Bakugo-san would be much cooler...". Heard that, his hands stopped moving as he stared at you with surprised looks on his face. "I-I meant it! B-beside, don't you know that you are actually popular with women?! I-i meant you got a lot of female fans too you know!!" you could feel you start to get embarrassed after complimenting him. Seeing how flustered you are, he somehow chuckles "Pffft.. What the hell are you even saying? Are you trying to cheer me up? You're really bad at this". You fall silent when you see him chuckling like that, 'Did he just...Oh my gosh..'. It was really brief as he went back to his usual expression "Oi.. The hell are you staring at?". "A-ah no..It's nothing.." you quickly looked away, hiding your blushing cheeks. You could again feel your heart thumping. You are glad that there is not much light which could hide your blushing face quite well. "What about you? Do you have someone you like?" you flinched when you heard that question, shyly you looked at him " guess..". "You sounds unsure" He scoffed as just shook his head a little, probably think you are a little bit dumb. "Well...The person I'm probably like..He also already likes someone else too.." You bitterly smiled at him "Nee~ Bakugo-san.. Can you play that song again? Please?". "You owe me lunch after the mission if you want to hear that song again.." he smirked as you chuckled "Fine. When else I get to hear one of the top heroes singing~ I will totally brag to my friends!". "Do that and I will make sure I put an explosion under your bed.." he glared at you as you flinched when heard that "I-it's a joke it's a joke~". To your surprise, his voice did sound nice. Watching him like that, your gaze softened and you fell into realisation ' him...'. 

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