Echoes in Our Hearts (Maya Lopez, aka Echo)

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Maya Lopez, also known as Echo and the current host of the Phoenix Force, huffed in tiredness as she was escaping from her oppressors. She now knew why it was a hard job in containing the cosmic being's anger in check. The constant persecution of others for her newest powers made her feel used, as if no one would want her if she didn't have the Phoenix Force inside of her.

So here she was running away from heroes and villains alike, making her gateway to the nearest isolated area she could find. But it was hard to do so when half of the people following her could track the energy that the Phoenix Force emits from her body. She knew that there must be a way for her to actually have time to herself and not care about anything that was happening in her life. Because all she ever wanted was to be accepted, and she has been accepted by the Phoenix Force. Which is why she was happy about her development, but she really hoped that her allies wouldn't use her in such a way. But here they were, hunting her down like she was a villain to be contained.

"There must be a way out..." Her whisper resounded through the wind, the fiery wisps from her outfits disappearing through the clouds. She looked down, noticing the abandoned Baxter Building. She knew that it was being rebuilt, but her eyes couldn't see no one inside of the building. So with a quick turn, she flew down and entered the building as fast as she could. It was surprising to see just how fast it was being rebuilt from the destruction it received at the time when Fantastix owned the building.

She looked around her palm caressing softly the machines that were inside. She was analyzing every single machine that was around her, if it could be beneficial if there was one that could hide her cosmic energy from others so that she could be left alone. But even then, she really didn't want to be alone. All she wants is to not be used as a weapon by others.

"Echo? What the hell are you doing here?" She turned around, immediately her eyes stared at the red and blue arachnid hero from New York in shock and fear. She even took a step back to make enough space between the two of them. She had been able to hear him thanks to the Phoenix Force healing her hearing, because she was deaf before the whole tournament for the cosmic entity. "Why are you in the Baxter Building?"

"I..." Maya knew that Spider-Man is an honorable hero, tales told to her by Daredevil when she was in a relationship with the protector of Hell's Kitchen. But... could she trust him enough to tell her of her grievance? He could be with the Avengers, trying to capture her.

"Never mind... Can you give me the part that is behind you? It is a piece that a friend of mine created when he owned the building as Parker Industries" Maya looked back, looking at the strange metallic object behind her. She could see the two letters that identified the company that Spider-Man had just said on the side of the metallic part. She raised an eyebrow, confusion entering her being for quite a moment before she remembered that Spider-Man was the bodyguard of Peter Parker. She already had the part in her hands, carefully looking at it before giving it to the arachnid hero. "Thanks"

"Your welcome" She internally smiled, her heart at peace knowing that the hero in front of her was not in the building because of her. So she relaxed quite a bit, a hand moving to her chest in relief as she closed her eyes momentaneously. It was something that she had been needing for quite a while, to be at peace. "And? What are you going to do with it?"

"I have to destroy it. It will be the only way that others would not be able to use it for their own good" Maya was intrigued by now, her previous curiosity over the metallic object that she had given to him rising spontaneously. "It will be the only way to allow you to be at peace"

"W-What...?" Her eyes slowly opened wide, her confusion transforming itself into sheer shock. She could even feel the warming presence of the Phoenix Force inside of her, instructing her to trust in the man. She didn't know the reasons behind the sudden trust it had in the arachnid hero, but she had survived this long thanks to its help, the least she could do was trust in its judgement. "What are you talking about?"

"This... Is part of a project that Peter Parker had. If connected to the already destroyed machine inside of the Baxter Building, it could be used to syphoned off any cosmic energy and trap it" Her eyes grew fearful, looking just how a single piece of metal can completely nullify her newest abilities. "I have already destroyed the blueprints and the machine at his petition, and only this part is left" She watched, happily, as the man in front of her crushed the given artifact. She enjoyed every second of the destruction of the metallic object she had given to the arachnid hero. She would have been more than glad to have burned it to cinder, but then it will give others the chance to find her once more. "There... All done"

"Anansi... Even to this day, you still care for me" Echo heard the femenine voice in her mind, her eyes blinking once as she continued to stare at the man in front of her. She had already made the connection between this so-called 'Anansi' and Spider-Man, but she still couldn't understand what this 'Anansi' had to do with the Phoenix Force.

"Of course I do... I still remember when you forced Colossus and Magik to use less power so that they wouldn't kill me" She blushed a bit, probably having said the exact same words that she had heard in her mind coming from the Phoenix Force. But what surprised her even further, was just how her heart was beating faster. She hardly knew the man in front of her, so she was certain that these were the feelings of the Phoenix Force for the arachnid hero. "Come, they are coming here in a couple of minutes. We must get out of here before they get here"

"You are always protecting me, Anansi... I am sorry for everything I have caused you" Maya heard the Phoenix Force once more, though she remained her lips closed. She didn't want to do a repeat of what happened earlier. But Maya was confused with the words she had heard, dhe would probably ask the cosmic entity at a later date. "I got blinded by power and lust... And I ended betraying your trust"

"Are you coming, Maya?" She squeaked out an 'Yes!', quickly walking to his side. Her eyes were scanning her surroundings once more as the two of them escaped the building newly owned by the Fantastic Four once again. She didn't know what her new destiny was but she knew that her life had brought her someone that was willing to protect her at all costs, and that was all she needed.

Time Skip; Years Later

"I'm not sleepy, mommy" Maya Parker smiled softly at her little thunderbird, Zoe Parker-Lopez. She never would have thought of falling in love with Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, but she did and was happy because of it. Their union was even blessed by the Phoenix Force herself, something that Maya was quite happy about. "Can't I stay awake with you and daddy?"

"My little thunderbird... You need your sleep" Maya whispered softly, tickling the belly of her daughter. She got chuckles in return, the atmosphere becoming one of joy as the two female Parkers enjoyed their time together. Maya was smiling, never had stopped since she had been able to find the two people that mattered the most in her life. "Didn't you want to be as strong as mommy?"

"Yes!" Maya chuckled a bit, glancing at the door momentaneously before she looked back at her daughter. She had seen her husband looking at the two of them from the gap that the door had. She really had been blessed with someone outstanding, and she was not going to let him go.

"Then you need to sleep, little one" Hearing the soft groan coming from her daughter made Maya kiss her daughter's forehead. She loved her family dearly, and she knew that whoever wanted to separate her from Peter or Zoe, that they would face the wrath of the Phoenix Force. And she would be more than glad to burn everything to the ground for them. "Love you..."

"Love you too, mommy..." Maya chuckled slightly as she walked out of the room, finding herself face to face with her husband. She pulled him into a sudden kiss, moaning softly into it as she snared her arms around his neck. She really had fallen for him, and it was a sole meeting between the two that had changed her entire life. He had saved her from being used by others, saving her from becoming, what appeared to be, a slave.

"Thank you for everything, my love" She closed her eyes, a smile still on her face as she reclined her forehead against his own. The two adults enjoyed each other's company, nothing coming in between them. And it was just the way Maya hoped it would stay.

"Always, Maya... You know I would do anything for you..." And she knew he would keep his word. He had kept it ever since they escaped the Baxter Building all of those years ago and she had been living happily with him and their daughter. And she really hoped that it would stay that way for the rest of their lives.

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