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Hi there! Thank you for reading this story! This is book 5 of my Freedom AU, which is a FNAF and Undertale crossover. There will be spoilers for book 2, Finding Freedom , so you have been warned. This AU crossover is split sort of, 70/30 (FNAF/UT), so just know it isn't an Undertale prominent story. I suggest you read the previous installments before this one, but I won't blame you for not wanting to read 4 books first. If you want to read this anyways, go ahead, but the context is in the previous stories.

!!Disclaimers!! This is my first official ship story. When I started writing this, I was unsure if it was able to be titled as (Springtrap x OC), but I figured it may as well. I obvious don't own every character used in this story. Respective characters belong to Toby Fox and Scott Cawthon/Steel Wool(?). I have a handful of OCs used in this story, which I won't list off here. I will, however, say that the OC in the title, that I own, is Spring Shine. She is one of my OCs in this story.

Opinions used in this story, (character genders, ships, headcanons, etc.) are my own opinions. If you do not agree, don't come after me. I know when my opinion straight up clashes with what is canon to FNAF or Undertale, and that's why it's an Alternate Universe.

If you are a die-hard Undertale fan, and don't like how I used Undertale characters, I'm sorry. I have no clue if anyone will hate me for writing Frisk as a girl, or that I wrote Asgore and Toriel civil and friendly towards each other. It can be hard to please the masses, so I'm not going to try. I'm just going to write what I want to, because it's how I enjoy writing all these characters.

This story will probably end up feeling like it's trying to be a romance. I've never written a romance before, except for some kinda romantic scenes. This may end up being a horrible ship story, and I apologize ahead of time. I'm more accustomed to writing stories that have a plot not revolving around a ship, and where that stuff is more of side plot than the main focus. This will be a new experience for me, so be patient as you read it.

Finally, the art in chapter 1 was made by me. Do not trace, or steal the art. (Although, I don't think that's possible?) The cover art was edited by me, but the art is by Toy-Bonnie  on tumblr.

With that out of the way, please enjoy


Sunrise (Springtrap x OC) [Freedom AU Book Six]Where stories live. Discover now