Chapter 10

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    "Wow... this place is nice." Shine complimented, as she got herself comfortable at one of the stools in the modest-sized kitchen. She leaned her upper weight on her arms that were on the countertop, as Springtrap was putting the cake down on the counter. "Thanks. But I mean, it's not anything fancy." Springtrap admitted, as he took the cake from the box and placed it on the countertop where it'd be easily seen. As he went to grab the candles from a nearby drawer, Shine simply countered with, "It's perfect." He gave her a smile, to which she reciprocated warmly.

"So, Plushy is as a friend's house you said?" She then asked, taking a look at the modest amount of decorations set up in the kitchen's doorway, the front entryway and the living room. "Yeah. I've got to go pick him up 5 minutes ago." Springtrap answered, as he quickly went to get something else. "I just have to finish up with these balloons and then I'll go-"

"I'll blow up the balloons while you go get Plushy." Shine offered, taking the packet of colorful balloons from Springtrap's hands. He instantly gave her a skeptical look. "You literally couldn't breath two weeks ago." He reminded her, as Shine worked to open the packet over a clear spot on the counter. "Two weeks ago, love. I'm breathing just fine now."

"Are you sure?"

"It's just balloons, it's not like you're asking me to run a marathon." Springtrap let out a sigh of defeat, as Shine gave him a playfully victorious smirk. "Fine. But only blow up as many as you can. If you feel like you can't anymore than-" Shine held a finger up to her lover's mouth in a silencing manner. "I promise, when you come back, I won't be passed out on the floor from inflating too many balloons. Ok?" Springtrap slowly shook his head in mild disbelief, before leaning in to give her a kiss. "Love you. I won't be long."

"Love you too." With that, Springtrap finally left to pick up Plushtrap from his sleep-over with MK.


Arriving back home with his son, Springtrap slowly came to a stop at the bottom of the small porch's steps. "Plushy, hold on a sec." Standing on the first step, Plushtrap turned to look at his dad--while still holding onto the straps of his backpack. "Yeah, dad?" The young bunny asked curiously. Springtrap thought for a moment, trying to find the words to say without spoiling the surprise. "... I've got a different surprise for your birthday this year."


"It's not a thing, or a gift, or--well, it could still count as a gift." Springtrap stopped before he began to ramble. "This year, there's someone waiting to see you." Plushy's bright green colored eyes were filled with obvious confusion. "I don't get it." He bluntly said, before Springtrap began walking to the door again--guiding his son along with him. "You'll see."

Opening the door, Springtrap let Plushy enter inside first. In the doorway, standing expectantly, was someone the young bunny had never seen before. She was a yellow-furred bunny, with forest-green eyes filled with excitement. She looked as though she could barely contain that excitement, but still did her best. She gave Plushy a small wave and simply greeted with, "Hello!"

Plushy looked over his shoulder to his dad--still looking confused. "Plushtrap, this is your mother." The little bunny's gaze immediately shot back towards Shine. "... Really?" He cautiously asked, without looking back up to his dad. "Yes, really." Springtrap answered, as Shine nodded. Plushy felt his dad grab onto his backpack so it could be hung up, all the while his mother knelt down to the ground. Plushtrap took a few cautious steps forward, unsure what to think in that moment.

"I-I've missed you, Plushy." Shine told him, trying not to get overwhelmed by her emotions. After taking a second to search Shine's expression, Plushy all but threw himself into her arms. She didn't hesitate to wrap them around her son. Shine couldn't help but shed a few tears, as she hadn't held her son since he was just a few days old. Shine gave Plushy a kiss on the side of his head, as he wrapped himself around her like a little koala.

Standing up, Shine felt Springtrap wrap his arms around the two. "Happy Birthday, Plushy."


A.N. I love this heart warming stuff, man. (╯▽╰ )

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