Chapter 3

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i. For those of you who haven't read any of my other 'Freedom AU' works, Bonbell is Toy Bonnie.


She was unimaginably exhausted. Her feet ached, and her lower back hurt. She'd barely managed to find more warm layers to wear beneath her cloak--which needed another fabric patch near the rim--and she was still cold. Autumn was nearly over, and winter was creeping up. She had no clue how she was supposed to make it during the cold weather. Not in her condition.

Sitting down against the brick wall, at the entrance of the alley, she was finally able to rest her feet. Doing her best, she reached down to try and rub her sore feet. But, thanks to her 'bump', she was only able to reach her swelling ankles. Good enough. She thought. After several minutes of rubbing her swollen ankles, she stopped--as her arms were getting exhausted from the motion. And so, she simply leaned back against the brick wall.

"Hello?" An elderly sounding female voice asked. Opening her forest green eyes, she looked up to see an older looking human woman looking down at her with concern. The woman's clothing looked to be old and worn, and there were holes in her gloves. Her gray eyes had a tired look to them, as if they'd seen a great deal. "Are you alright, dear?"

"O-Oh... I-I'm o-okay..." She said, shivering heard in her tone. The woman gave her a pitying look. "Do you have anywhere to go?" She slowly shook her head 'no'. "Here, come with me. I know where you can be warm." Taking the woman's offered hand, she rose to her feet and followed the human.


"How is she?" Asked Toriel. Her and Frisk had arrived the next morning to check in on the stranger that had shown up half frozen to death on Toriel's doorstep the night before. "Well, it was incredibly fortunate for her that you brought her here when you did." Gaster answered honestly. "What would've happened if we didn't?" Frisk wondered. The skeleton monster looked down to the human. "Had she not shown up when she did, I don't believe she would've made it through the night."

"Oh goodness..." Toriel quietly exclaimed. "Will she get better?" Frisk then asked, sounding more worried than she had her last question. "In time. We'll need to keep a close eye on her condition, as there's no guarantee she won't worsen before getting well." The doctor explained. "The poor dear."

"Toriel, I have to ask." Toriel's wandering gaze met Gaster's. "Was she able to say what her name was before collapsing last night?" Gaster asked. Toriel thought a moment, before shaking her head 'no'. "She could barely get a word out, she was too frozen and delirious." Gaster sighed. "It would help us a great deal if we knew who she was."

"You were unable to find out?" Toriel questioned. "No. She had no form of identification on her person when we checked, and she's still unresponsive." Gaster began. "I'll contact Undyne, and look into possibly asking the anthros. She isn't a monster." He explained to them. "Wait, she isn't?" Gaster shook his head in answer to Frisk's question.

"Well, I suppose we should be on our way." Toriel started. "We just wanted to be sure she would be alright." Gaster nodded. "I understand. Have a good day."

"And to you."

Later in the day, Bonbell arrived to the hospital as requested. Even though he was working from the smaller clinic in Newer Home, he still made himself available to the doctors in the town's hospital. Finding Dr. Gaster where the nurses said he'd be, Bonbell ended up in the Intensive Care wing. "You wanted me?"

"Oh, Bon, thank you for coming." Gaster started, as he finished writing something down in a patient chart. "I'd like your help with a patient who was brought in just last night." Bonbell nodded, as he listened for what more Gaster had to say. "Sure thing. What's their name?" Gaster looked up from the chart. As his eyes met Bon's, he answered with, "We don't know." The bright blue bunny gave him a curious look. "Oh?"

"Come with me." With a nod, Bonbell followed Dr. Gaster into one of the patient rooms. As they entered, he took notice of the yellow-furred bunny laying on the bed. Several wires were attached to her, monitoring her vitals, she had a breathing tube to make sure she could breathe properly, and also a heating blanked draped over her form. She looked awfully sickly.

"Do you recognize her?" Gaster asked, as Bon took a step closer to look at the patient. "I... uh.." Bon mumbled, before Gaster added, "She's an anthro, not a monster. I just figured you'd probably have an idea of who she is." Bon began to slowly shake his head. "I don't know who she is, no. Sorry, doc."

"It's alright. Would you still want to help care for her?" Bon nodded in agreement. "Thank you."

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