Chapter 5

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She had already begun her trek back to their refuge beneath the abandoned bridge, when she could hear talking nearby. Something about the voices felt familiar. It told her to follow the sound, to see who it was talking. It didn't take her long to find the voices in the back alley of the building she'd suspected he'd be at.

While keeping her distance, she was able to see two figures leaning against the building's brick and cement wall, talking to one another. They weren't humans, as she could tell by the distinct shape of their ears and faces. She watched and listened a while longer, before she was sure of who she thought the two were. So she was right.

She grinned widely, happy she'd finally found him. Her momentary victory was interrupted by a terrible pain in her side. At that, she quietly left to return to the bridge so she could rest. Thankfully, by the time she'd returned, the pain had stopped.


Making his way towards the receptionist's desk, Springtrap seemed to have a faster pace in his step than normal. The whole reason he was here in the first place, was because he'd heard from Freddy, that Bonbell told him a patient had called for him by name. Well, by his old name, but his name nonetheless. "Can I help you?" The monster behind the desk asked upon the bunny's arrival. "I was told to meet with Dr. Gaster here." Giving him a puzzled look, the monster asked, "...And you are?"

"Springtrap." He answered, as the monster behind the desk looked to be in disbelief. "I'm sorry, do you know anyone who is currently being treated here?" She questioned. "Well, I don't-"

"It's alright, Ari." Dr. Gaster suddenly said. The two looked towards the sound of his voice, to see him approaching the desk. "If you could come with me, please?" He asked, looking to Springtrap. "Sure." With that, the two walked together towards the hallway Gaster had come from.

"So, what's happening?" Springtrap asked, obviously very confused as to what was going on. "About two days ago, we had a patient admitted, who was immediately brought to the Intensive Care Wing." Gaster began, as they walked towards the nearest elevator. "She was unresponsive, so we had no way of knowing who she was, or where she'd come from."


"Well, this morning she finally woke up." Gaster continued, as they stood in the elevator cabin. "We were unable to learn what her name was, but that doesn't mean she said nothing during her momentary return to consciousness." Crossing his arms in front of himself, Springtrap urged, "Can you cut to the chase?"

"She mentioned you by name. I heard you used to go by another name, is that correct?" Nodding, Springtrap answered with, "I used to go by Spring Bonnie. I changed it for personal reasons... but also to avoid confusion amongst ourselves." Gaster slowly nodded in response. "... So, she called for me, huh?"

"She did, yes." The elevator dinged, as the metal doors opened. "Come, this way." They continued down another hallway, with signs labelling it as the ICU wing of the hospital. After arriving to a hallway where patients were kept, Springtrap noticed that almost all the rooms had windows by the doors. They finally stopped at one of them.

Gesturing to the unobscured window, Gaster asked, "Is she familiar to you?" Looking towards the patient lying in the bed, Springtrap had a double take at who he was seeing. Ignoring all the wires and tubes snaking around her body, he was able to recognize her. Springtrap's eyes widened, as his hands met the window's glass surface. "...It's her..."

"Pardon?" Whatever Springtrap had said was so quiet, Gaster didn't hear him. "Do you know her?" The doctor didn't miss the unmistakable look of shock in the gruff bunny's eyes. "Y-Yes... I know her."

"Who is she, then?"

"... She's my... my Spring Shine..."

Sunrise (Springtrap x OC) [Freedom AU Book Six]Where stories live. Discover now