Chapter 9

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    "I can't wait to finally leave here!" Shine told, as she sat idly on the edge of her hospital bed. She was already dressed in a warm set of clothing, which consisted of a knitted sweater, fleece-lined dark jeans, and a pair of mittens she had yet to put on. Springtrap had offered to bring her a jacket, but she refused--oddly enough. "I wonder what's taking the nurse so long-"

Just as Springtrap said that, Carley returned. She had a clipboard in her hand, and a folded up piece of tattered brown fabric. "Sorry I took so long." She apologized, walking over to Shine. "All that's left to do, is for you to sign the release forms." The nurse explained, handing the clipboard and attached pen to the bunny. She quickly signed off the document, before handing it back. "And I believe this belongs to you?" Carley rhetorically asked, handing the fabric to Shine. "Thanks."

"We threw out the other clothing you were wearing when you were brought in." Carley started, as her and Springtrap watched as Spring Shine unfolded the worn out hood. "That's fine. I only wore them because I didn't have many other options." She answered, attaching the hood once it was around her shoulders.

"Well then, you're free to go!" Carley told her, as Shine took hold of Springtrap's hand. "Thank you." They both thanked, as they made their way out.

On their way to the entrance, Springtrap asked, "You know, I think a jacket would've been warmer than that." Shine looked to him. "Why keep it?" Looking forward again, she answered with, "Because it's sentimental." Springtrap gave her a puzzled side glance. "Is it though?" Shine suddenly stopped her stride, and faced her back to Springtrap. "Read the inscription on the inside near my neck." Doing as she asked, Springtrap found words inscribed with white thread.

It read: 'Keep safe as you find your family. We won't forget you. Norah, Amy, Landon"

"Whose names are those?" Springtrap wondered, as the two continued their walk out of the hospital. "They were humans who helped me out when I was pregnant." Shine started, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Had it not been for them, Plushy and I would've died out in the cold." Springtrap fell silent for a minute.

"I forgot my hood when I went to make sure Plushy was by the pizzeria's back door. Norah must've inscribed my hood while I was out." A smile crept upon Shine's features. "She was sweet. Sort of motherly, in a way." Shine too fell quiet a moment, as the couple exited the building. "... They were also on the streets... I hope they're okay..."

The two continued in silence for a while, as they walked Newer Home's snowy sidewalks. It was thankfully a warmer day than what the town had been previously experiencing. It was a nice break in the constant of cold days. Having the sun peak through the mass of clouds in the sky for once.

"...You said we had to make a stop on the way home." Shine spoke up. "Where are we going?" She wondered. "I have to pick up Plushy's cake for tomorrow. The café isn't that far." Springtrap answered, as he led the way while they walked. Shine simply let out an interested hum, and asked, "You're picking up a cake from a café? I thought that was what bakeries did."

"Yeah, well, the owner offered to make the cake." Springtrap explained as they walked. "She's one of us anthros." Shine gave a small nod, indicating she understood. "That's nice of her." She then simply commented.

As Springtrap had said, the café was in fact not far from the hospital. It was a humble-sized café, but not too small either. The sign on the door read 'Come in, we're open!', and satisfied customers were exiting the establishment. There were flower planters that hung below the front windows. They had no flowers, obviously, and were covered in snow. As Springtrap made a reach to open the door, a small bell could be heard ringing above the entrance.

Entering, Shine felt immediately much warmer now that they weren't out in the cold. There was a sweet aroma of baked goods and warm beverages. It made her feel warm inside, as if she had in fact drank one of the delicious sounding drinks from off the menu board hung above the front counter. Herself and Springtrap both continued towards the counter, just as Freddy emerged from the back. He stopped when he saw the two.

"Hey, Spring." Freddy casually greeted, before looking to the second person standing at his side. Her forest-green eyes were wide in excitement. For a moment, the bear thought his eyes were deceiving him. Surely this wasn't who he thought it was. He cautiously asked, "... Spring Shine?" She nodded, before asking in return with, "Freddy?" His sapphire blue eyes widened at hearing her voice.

Before he knew it, Shine had pulled him into a hug. "Aw, I missed you, Fred!" She said, as his arms came around her shoulders. "I did too!" He answered, as Springtrap simply grinned and shook his head at the sight before him. He then saw Chica approaching, looking clearly confused. "Hi, Chica." Springtrap greeted, just and Freddy and Shine pulled out of their hug. Freddy looked over his shoulder. "Oh, Chica! There's someone I'd like you to meet."

"Oh?" Freddy gestured to Shine, who gave her a kind smile. "This is Spring Shine." She waved, before Freddy then looked to her. "Shine, this is Chica. My wife." Chica smiled in return, and held out a hand for the golden-furred bunny. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you!" Shine nodded. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you too."

"Oh, is that cake ready?" Springtrap asked, almost forgetting why they were here in the first place. Chica nodded. "Yeah, I just finished it this morning. It's in the back, I'll get it for you." She answered, before disappearing again. Not long after she'd disappeared into the back, did Chica return again--a large carboard cake box in her hands. "Here. Be careful." Chica warned, passing the cake over to Springtrap.

She watched as he put it down on a nearby vacant table and opened the box to take a look at the cake. "Looks great." He complimented, closing the box again. Chica smiled. "Thank you."

As Springtrap closed the box up again, Shine couldn't stop herself from giving Freddy another hug. "I'm glad you're okay, Shine!" Freddy commented, giving her a mostly relieved smile. "Of course I am. You know me, Fred." She answered, before adding, "Just... had to figure out when it'd be safe to stop being on the run. Y'know?"

"I guess I understand." Freddy answered, before going on to explain with, "Well, you don't have to worry about the humans coming for you here. We've all got each other's backs." Shine smiled just as Springtrap indicated that they should keep going.

"Thanks again for the cake, Chica." Springtrap thanked. "You're welcome." Chica simply answered, before looking to his lover. "It was nice meeting you, Shine." Shine nodded with a smile. "It was nice meeting you too. Although, it's quite the surprise when you re-unite with your brother only to find out he's married now." Freddy gave Shine an amused smirk. "Take care, we'll see you later."

"Yep, see you around!" And with that, Springtrap and Spring Shine continued their walk home.

Sunrise (Springtrap x OC) [Freedom AU Book Six]Where stories live. Discover now