Chapter 8

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  Having to stay in the hospital could get boring. About every half-hour or so, a nurse would come and check on Spring Shine to see if she was doing okay, then leave. The last time Carley had checked in on her, the nurse had brought a book from the small shop on the ground floor. The hospital staff would sometimes read books from the shop, before returning them to the owner. The monster running it didn't mind, so long as the books weren't scathed.

Shine had put her book down some minutes ago, as it was putting her to sleep--despite not being that tired. She was beginning to get restless now. The doctors still had no clear answer as to when they'd discharge her, as she was in pretty rough shape when she was brought in. Spring was hoping to at least get better in time for her son's birthday, which was in over a week.

While staring out the window of her small room--she'd been since moved from the ICU wing--Shine heard a light knocking at the door, followed by Carley's voice. "You've got company." Looking over, Shine was expecting to see Springtrap again, maybe with either Goldie or even Freddy--Gold had been by to see her just yesterday, but Shine had yet to see Freddy again. She was surprised to see two unfamiliar faces.

One was a monster, who towered over the nurse. He had yellow fur-hair that was a few inches from the tops of his shoulders, a well-trimmed beard of the same color, and long white horns. Despite his towering, and slightly intimidating appearance, his expression was gentle. Standing with him, was a human in a light blue puffy winter coat, and a soft looking red scarf. Her brown hair looked to be rustled from the toque that was now poking out of her coat pocket.

"Um... Hello." Spring politely greeted, as Carley extended an arm gesturing for the two to enter. "Hi there!" The human greeted, as she walked up to her bedside first. "You probably don't remember us, do you?" The taller monster asked, his voice still sounding like it bellowed despite how quietly he was trying to speak. "I... I don't think so... no."

"That's okay. You sorta passed out right after you came to us." The human explained. Shine gave her a puzzled look. "... I did?" She wondered, before the monster added, "It's a bit of a long story, actually."


"Allow me to introduce ourselves first." He began. "I am Asgore Dreemurr, the King of the monsters here in Newer Home." Asgore looked to the human. "This here, is Frisk. She has been a great deal of help to us ever since we returned to the surface." Frisk gave the bunny a bright smile, and a small wave. "I'm Spring Shine. It's a pleasure to meet you." Shine responded, giving the two a smile.

"...So, what about that long story?" Frisk was already pulling up a chair for herself, Asgore doing the same. "Well, you see, we were the ones who brought you here. Me and my... a friend of mine did." Asgore started. "You came knocking at our door one night. You were half frozen to death." Frisk gave a small nod, before adding, "Mom--Toriel, tried using her healing magic to help you, but you were too sick and cold."

"Well, while you were still unconscious, myself, Frisk and Toriel would come by to make sure you were doing alright, as we didn't know who you were, and if people in town knew you or not." Asgore continued. "Aw, thank you. You didn't have to do that." Asgore held up a hand as if to interject. "Nonsense. It was not trouble. And anyways, it's my duty to make sure every monster and anthro in this town is safe and happy here on the surface." Spring smiled.

"So, do you know the other anthros?" Frisk curiously wondered. "Well, I know a few of them. I have yet to meet most of them, simply because they all seem to be close with each other." Spring answered. The day before, Springtrap and Gold had told her briefly about the others in town. Everybody knew everybody, and she got the feeling she would soon no longer be the exception. "Well then, who do you know?"

"Well, I know the Marionette, Fredbear and Freddy, and also Spring Bo- I mean, Springtrap." Shine explained to them. She then added, "Then there's also my son, Plushy." Frisk had a realizing look on her face. "Oh, yeah, Plushy! Him, MK and I hang out sometimes."

"Who's 'MK'?" Shine wondered. "That's his nickname. It stands for Monster Kid. Him and Plushy are like, best buds." The two saw Shine smile at that. "I'm glad." She simply answered.

"Can I ask why you haven't seen your son yet, miss?" Asgore questioned. Momentarily ignoring the question, Shine told him, "Please, just call me Shine." She then continued. "I'm still recovering from almost keeling over in the snow. I want him to see his mother well, and healthy. Not... like this." Shine vaguely gestured to herself. "I suppose that's understandable."

"And, I plan to surprise him on his birthday anyways. So now, Spring can absolutely not say anything." Asgore smirked. "I'm sure it'll be a lovely surprise for your son."

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