Chapter 6

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  Her son was sound asleep, as she cradled him in her right arm. The others had scrounged up as many blankets as they could to keep the little guy as warm as possible, as the cold weather had taken a sudden spike. While he was sleeping, she wrote, as best as she could, a letter for his father.

Before being able to finish it, Amy returned to their small refuge. "Hey, guess what I found?" Looking up to the human, she gave her an inquisitive look. Amy reached inside the sac she'd taken with her. "An old camera!" She quietly exclaimed, being mindful to not wake the sleeping baby. "Oh, neat."

"Only has a single shot in it." Amy told, while looking over the polaroid camera again. "I thought we could take a photo of you and your baby to put with the letter." Her forest-green eyes lit up with realization. "Oh, I see!"

"That's a lovely idea." Norah complimented, as her and Amy watched the new mother set aside the pencil and paper she'd been using a moment before. "Do you know how to work it?" She asked Amy. The human stood there for a moment, trying to look at how the camera worked. "I uh..."

"Here, let me Amy." Norah offered, as the younger lady handed the device to her. After looking it over for a moment, Norah turned towards the two. "Okay, tell me when you're ready." Adjusting her son in her arms, she looked back up towards the older human. "Cheese!"


"Hi, we're here to see Jane Doe." Frisk explained. The receptionist gave her and Sans an unsure look. "I don't think you should be here right now-" Sans interrupted with, "it's fine. got the clear from the ol' man himself the last time we came around."

"I realize that, but-"

"thank you!" With that, Sans began walking down the hallway--Frisk trailing behind him. The receptionist shook her head and sighed, as she made a call with Dr. Gaster.

"Um, Sans?" Frisk started, while they were in the elevator. "yeah, kiddo?" She continued. "Maybe we should've let the lady at reception talk?" The human suggested, as the elevator began to slow. "it's fine, kid. don't worry-" As the doors opened, Gaster himself was already waiting for them. "Afternoon, you two." Sans looked up towards the taller skeleton with a nervous smile. "heya..."

"I hate to stop you, even after you've come all the way up here, but I'm afraid you can't see her." Gaster informed them. "Wait, why? Did something happen?!" Frisk asked, becoming concerned. Gaster shook his head 'no'. "Nothing like that, no. It's just, she's already got company. And they need to be left alone."

"Oh, did you figure out who she is? Do they know her?" Frisk wondered, sounding less concerned this time. "We did, yes. And her guest does know her." Frisk smiled at hearing that. "But, I can't tell you anything more at the moment. So, you've no reason to be here."

"Well, as long as she's still okay. Thanks, we'll be going!" Frisk announced, turning on her heal to press the elevator's call button. "sorry for the intrusion, i guess." Sans simply said, before him and Frisk left.


Springtrap was holding onto Shine's hand with a strong, but not crushing grip. He kept his eyes closed as he held her hand up against his forehead, waiting for her to wake up. The waves of relief he was feeling in that moment, knowing she was safe and would be alright, were indescribable. As it were now, however, nothing would be able to pull him from her bedside. He would stay as long as it took for her to wake up.

After sitting like that for almost an hour, a sudden thought popped into his head. Plushy. Quickly grabbing his phone from his pocket with one hand, he looked at the time. Okay, school wouldn't be out for another forty-five minutes. But, when would his mother wake up? Thinking for a minute, Springtrap decided to make a call with Gold. Hopefully, the bear would be able to pick up his 'honorary nephew' from school and watch him for the rest of the afternoon. He'd probably owe him one for this.

Sunrise (Springtrap x OC) [Freedom AU Book Six]Where stories live. Discover now