Chapter 4

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  "Now where did you run off to?" Norah--the older woman--asked, as the group's new guest returned to their hideout under the abandoned park bridge. "Oh, nowhere." She explained, as she returned to her makeshift mattress on the ground. "Oh come on, why won't you tell us! You disappear every night for hours, and then come back like it was only five minutes!" Amy complained. She looked towards the younger human lady and gave her a smirk. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because we're curious!" Amy quickly answered, before Landon added with, "And, if you suddenly left again but never came back, how would we know where to find you?" Amy nodded, feeling as though they'd made valid arguments. With a faux annoyed sigh, she answered with, "If you must know-"

"We must!" Amy proclaimed. She shook her head, before continuing. "I'm just trying to figure out where my baby's father is." The group all had surprised looks. "You think you know where he is, dear?" Norah questioned. Nodding, she answered with, "I might."

"...If it's okay for me to ask, what happened with you and the father?" Amy cautiously asked. "Nothing. At least, we didn't decide to separate, anyways." She told her. "What's that supposed to mean?" Landon asked next. She sighed. "We were taken from each other, is what it means. Humans were the ones who tore us apart. And they're why we haven't been able to reunite."

"That's terrible..." Amy commented sadly. "... It is."


The bunny's attention was instantly distracted, as he was writing something down in 'Jane Doe's patient chart. She'd shifted ever so slightly, Bonbell was surprised he even saw it. Watching her for a straight 60 seconds to see if she'd move again was met with still silence. Bon sighed, before replacing her chart at the end of the bed.

After doing so, he looked back up to the patient. "... I wish we knew who you are..." He quietly said. Jane Doe said nothing, as she was continuing to be unconscious. Slowly shaking his head, Bon left the room to go on his lunch break.

While gone, one of the nurses stopped by to quickly check on Jane Doe while doing her rounds in the ICU wing. Carley went through the usual motions, checking the patient's vital monitors and making sure they were still comfortable. However, while the cat-like monster was adjusting the patients heating blanket--which had been turned off the day before--she felt her arm begin to move.

Pausing a moment, Carley waited and watched to see if it was just a spontaneous twitch. Jane Doe's hand ever so slowly rose from her side, making it's way towards her face. "Oh...!" Quickly stopping the patient from grabbing anything, Carley took hold of her yellow-furred hand. While pressing the call button to page a doctor to the room, Carley tried to see if she couldn't get the patient to respond

"Can you hear me?" She asked gently. Jane Doe's head slowly shifted from side to side, as her forest-green eyes were slowly revealed through heavy eyelids. "Hello?" The patient eventually looked towards the nurse, who still had a hand on hers while she came to. "" She mumbled despite the breathing tube.

Carley looked towards the door just in time to see Dr. Gaster entering the room. "She's waking up." The nurse informed him, as the skeleton monster took a look at Jane Doe's vital signs. "She looks to be improving..." He commented, before going to grab the patient's chart from the foot of the bed. "Ask for her name."

Looking back to the patient, Carley saw that Jane Doe's eyes had a distant look to them, as she stared of in no particular direction. "What is your name, dear?" Carley slowly asked, as she watched the forest-green eyes slowly land on the nurse's face. "...spri...." She started, as the nurse and doctor waited for her to finish. ""

"... 'Spring Bonnie'?" Gaster asked, making sure he'd heard right. Jane Doe slowly nodded her head, before her eyelids began to fall. "Is that her name?" Carley asked, as she put the patients hand down atop her chest comfortably. "...I'm not sure." Gaster confessed. The patient didn't seem like she was fully awake to have understood Carley's question, yet her answering was possibly suggesting otherwise.

Once the two had finished tending to the patient, and were certain she would most likely not wake up again for a while, Gaster and Carley took their leave of the room. One their way out, they met Bonbell in the hallway. "Good, you're back." Bon gave Gaster a curious look. "Why's that?"

"She woke up." Bonbell's bright green eyes widened at hearing that. "Really?" He wondered. "Well, only long enough to say what we think may be her name." Gaster clarified. "Okay, what'd she say?" Carley answered with, "'Spring Bonnie'." Bonbell seemed to look at though he'd heard that before. "Is that name familiar? Do you think you do know her?"

"... No, that wasn't her name she told you..." Bonbell had to think hard to remember where he'd heard that name before. Gaster and Carley patiently waited for him to elaborate. Despite not remembering who he'd heard it from, Bon eventually told them, "I know who Spring Bonnie is."


i. You guys probably know this, but for anybody who's confused, Jane/John Doe is what they call patients who have no ID, and have no way of telling the hospital who they are, e.g., coma/unresponsive, or amnesiac.

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