Chapter 2

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  Gently unfolding the piece of paper, Springtrap read over the words once more. He'd kept this letter ever since he found his son, Plushtrap, in the back alley of their final pizzeria. It was written by Spring Shine, who'd apparently been on the run when their son was born. Ever since the first time he'd read the letter, Springtrap would wish that Spring Shine would've just taken a chance at hiding with them. That she would've at least stayed in the back alley with Plushy until they noticed them.

But, she must've been in a bad situation if she felt she couldn't come to them. Maybe she was scared of being potentially found out by Fazbear Entertainment. Springtrap could recall a few times where himself and Gold were almost found hiding out. He was amazed they'd been able to hide so well.

As he sat down at the small house's kitchen counter, Springtrap read and reread the letter. Whenever he read it now, though, he'd gloss over the "Don't come find me" part. He was doing just that, now that they were living free lives in Newer Home. Spring Shine wouldn't have to run anymore with them. However, trying to find her was incredibly difficult. Especially since they had to figure out what company had bought Spring Shine from off the Family Diner's owners.

A knock at the door brought Springtrap's attention away from the letter. Folding the paper back up, he placed it into his sweater's inside pocket until he could replace it in his bedside table's drawer. Getting up from the kitchen counter, his gruff voice called out with, "Coming!" Upon making it to the door, he opened it. Standing there, in a bundle of winter attire, was Sophie Grant. She had her gloved hands buried deep in her parka's pockets, the cushiony sleeves almost blocking the plain white canvas bag she had slung over her shoulders.

"Can I come in?" She quickly asked. Springtrap nodded, stepping aside so the human could enter. Then, he closed the door. "Did you find it?" He anxiously asked. Once Sophie's fingers warmed up, she took off her gloves. After shoving them in her pockets, she grabbed the canvas bag she had with her, and pulled out a single file. "Yeah, but it's not much."

"As long as it's something." Opening the folder, Sophie pulled out a few legal documents. "These are the papers that were signed when they sold her to Sunrise Co." Handing them over to the bunny, Sophie watched as Springtrap read over the documents. "This... doesn't say where they took her." He pointed out, looking back to Sophie. "Those wouldn't, no."

"Then... what about the restaurant they were going to use her for?" Springtrap instead asked. "Well, I looked into the restaurants Sunrise Co. was going to open. They were called, 'Sunrise Salmon Shack', and they were going to start with a single location." She started. "The restaurants never did take off, as they were crushed by CEC and then Fazbear Entertainment."

"So, if they never used her to perform, what did they do with her?" Sophie thought for a second, trying to remember the Google search session she'd had about this. "Umm... well, everything they were going to use for the restaurant got stored in their company's warehouse/office space." She started again. "The company kept trying to get their restaurant to work, but it never did. I think they'd probably kept their stuff in the warehouse. Probably her too." She explained to him.

"Then what?." Springtrap asked her. "Sorry... but I couldn't find out anything else on what happened to Spring Shine." Sophie gave him an apologetic look. "I mean, Sunrise Co. isn't even in business anymore. They went under two years ago and never resurfaced." Springtrap let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything more about this." Handing the papers back to Sophie, Springtrap answered with, "Fine. It's fine, I suppose there's only so much you can do."

"Believe me when I say I tried my best to find some answer." Sophie said to him. "I'm sure you did." Was all Springtrap said, before showing Sophie to the door.

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