Chapter 11

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"Did you have a good birthday?" Shine quietly asked, as she pulled the lime-green bed covers up over her son's shoulders. Plushtrap nodded. "It was the best birthday ever!" He answered with a seemingly radiant smile. A small yawn escaped his mouth, as if to further indicate how tuckered out the little bunny was really. "I'm glad." Shine commented, before leaning down to give Plushy a kiss on the forehead. "Now, sleep tight."

"... Mama?" Plushy spoke up before his mother took her leave. "Hmm?" Shine looked back to her son. "Why were you gone for so long?" Giving Plushy a semi-apologetic smile, she simply answered with, "Well, the humans weren't too nice to me and I didn't want them to hurt you. So, I had to hide from them until it was safe again."

"Oh." Plushy paused for a moment, before asking another question. "Will you ever have to go away again?" Shine shook her head 'no'. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry." Plushy smirked, all while his mother gave him another kiss. She still hadn't gotten over how much she'd missed her son during her absence, and wanted to make sure she cherished every minute she had with the little bunny.

"Now, get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Shine told, getting up from the edge of Plushy's bed. "Goodnight. I love you." She said on her way out. "Love you too, mama."


As her forest-green eyes slowly opened, she was met with the sight of the sun rising above the horizon. She watched the beautiful sight unfold before her very eyes ever so slowly. The rosy-golden hue being cast along the horizon, as beams of light reached upwards. The light was shinning on the icicles that hung downward from the edge of the house's roof, causing them to sparkle and glimmer like crystals. The clusters of clouds surrounding the sun were turned a white-rose color as the golden rays shone through the fluffy looking clouds.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Shine looked up and saw that Springtrap was already awake. And that they were snuggled on the couch. Oh, right. They must've fallen asleep on the couch the night before. Shine snuggled up closer to her lover, and looked back to the window. "Such an amazing view." Springtrap smiled, and looked down to her. "It is." He simply agreed.

"I don't think I've ever stopped to watch the sunrise before." Spring Shine commented quietly. "I've sat and watched it a few times, but I'm not usually awake this early in the morning." Springtrap told, adjusting his arms which were wrapped around her. The two stayed like that, in peaceful silence, watching the beautiful, golden miracle of nature.

"I'm glad you're finally home." Shina heard Springtrap say, as she felt him press a kiss to the top of her head. She smiled, before looking back up to her lover. "And I'm glad that we finally found each other." Springtrap smiled in return, before the two slowly leaned in for a kiss. The sunrise that morning seemed to be more special than mornings past, as on this day, the sun rose over reunited family and love.


-Thanks for reading!-


Without Warning<----Previous

Next---->(Out in the Snow 🎄)

In the meantime, I've got a book of headcanons for this AU, and a short story book also.

Sunrise (Springtrap x OC) [Freedom AU Book Six]Where stories live. Discover now