Chapter 1

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"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." -Francis Davison

  The evening was cold. With the days now significantly shorter, night had already befallen the town. The only thing that could help guide a person through it's streets, were the street lamps that indicated where the sidewalk was, and the car headlights warning where the road was. Although, thanks to the snowfall, the number of headlights were few as nobody felt like traversing the roads which were becoming coated with the cold, wet sludge.

Unfortunately for her, the snow's falling pace began to pick up, as the flakes began to thicken. Sure, her clothing was keeping her somewhat warm, but even her old and worn down hood couldn't block the snow when she was walking against the wind. She was eternally grateful to have found an old pair of boots before the snow started to fall. Whether or not they were meant to be thrown aside by someone, or left out by accident, she didn't want to know. All she knew now, however, was that her feet weren't frozen thanks to the footwear.

On top of needing the boots to keep her feet warm, her whole ensemble of clothing was helping to keep humans from taking a second glance her way, as the bunny blended effortlessly in with the crowds. Although it wasn't every day you saw someone pass you by wearing a cloak, nobody questioned it. And she was grateful, as it covered her long yellow-furred ears that she'd keep flopped down against the back of her head and shoulders when wearing the cloak.

It had been the same routine for survival longer than she could remember. All this time trying to hide and run from the humans who thought they owned her. And, they had, for a while. Until she realized she wouldn't take their control and manipulation. That she wasn't their puppet. So, she escaped. She'd been on the lamb ever since.

But, she knew she couldn't be on the lamb forever. One day, she'd run out of steam, being unable to keep running. At this point, she wasn't sure if her owners were still chasing her or not. She'd also heard that her love, and many other anthros had been able to begin new lives with the monsters, who'd been freed from Mount Ebott. She'd set her sights on trying to find her lover and their son. She missed them terribly.

Tonight felt like the night she was going to finally keel over. She ached everywhere, she couldn't feel her nose or fingertips, and she was pretty sure it wasn't just the snow that was messing with her vision. The throbbing headache probably had something to do with that. That, and with the chills she was experiencing--but not from the cold weather. She had to get help. It didn't matter if she was even in the monster town or not, she was going to die out in the cold streets unless she knocked on somebody's door.


"That was a delicious dinner, thank you Toriel." Asgore politely thanked, as he watched Frisk take the three empty sets of plates from the table. "Your welcome." Toriel thanked, while making her way to the kitchen. "Oh, mom's made her snail pie for dessert!" The human announced, as she helped her goat-mother bring out the dessert plates. "That sounds lovely." Asgore answered.

As Toriel placed the pie down on the table, Frisk passed out the plates and forks. "Thank you again for having me." Toriel gave Asgore a kind smile. "Well, it was Frisk's idea. But, I am glad you agreed to have dinner with us." She answered, as she dished out the snail pie. Asgore gave her another smile and a "Thank You" as she dished out a slice for him.

Ever since the monsters had returned to the surface, Asgore had been trying to make things less tense between himself and Toriel. Although he knew he would probably never be able to return things to the way they used to be, he would at least try to make things friendly with Toriel. He was unable to tell, but she appreciated the effort. She couldn't bring herself to outright say it yet, but she preferred things to no longer be tense. It felt like some weight had been lifted.

As the trio were about to dig into Toriel's infamous snail pie, a frantic knocking could be heard at the door. Looking out towards the foyer, Toriel asked, "I wonder who that could be?" Already standing up, Asgore offered with, "I'll go see."

"Oh, thank you."

Asgore made his way from the dinning room and towards the front door. Unlocking the deadbolt, the monster king opened the door. "Hello, may I-" Asgore was interrupted, when along with a rush of cold air and snowflakes, came in a cloaked figure. "...p-p-please... h-help..." A female voice began, before she seemed to practically fall over the door's threshold. Asgore's large and soft hands were able to catch her before she hit the floor.. "Easy! I have you!" Asgore quickly said, as he helped the figure down to the floor.

"Oh, goodness!" He heard Toriel cry, as she quickly ran over to the two. Asgore was already removing the hood of the shivering figure's cloak to see who she was. "Can you hear me?" He asked, as the yellow-furred bunny's glazed and half lidded eyes looked upwards towards him. "Mom?" Frisk asked from the dinning room. "Stay put, my child." Toriel said to the human, before returning her attention to what was happening before herself.

"She's freezing.." Asgore saw, as he tried to get her to respond. Toriel knelt down next to them, as she made an attempt to try and heal the poor freezing bunny with her magic. "How bad is she hurt?" Asgore asked, while keeping her still for Toriel. "Badly." Toriel started, as the glow of her magic ceased. "Give her to me, I'll bring her to the guest room to warm up. You must call Gaster." Asgore nodded, as he handed over the freezing stranger to Toriel--who was able to lift her smaller form easily from the ground.

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