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I SAW ARMIN from the window, admiring the ocean from afar

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I SAW ARMIN from the window, admiring the ocean from afar.

'what is he doing there?" i think to myself, as i watch his back facing me so i can't see his expression. i had a strong urge to go to him, but at the same time he most likely wants to be alone...

so there i am, walking down the stairs, out the door to go check up on armin. i slipped into my sandles as i stepped out the door, not bothering to grab a jacket.

as i was reaching closer to the seashore, i could feel my heart pounding against my chest, i felt nervous for some reason. i walked down some rocks, trying my best not to fall due to how dark it is.

"what if i'm making the wrong choice? it's not too late to turn back.. he came here without letting anyone know, i'm sure he wants to be alone."

i was so caught up with my thoughts that i didn't notice i was feet apart from armin. he had a brown hoodie on, the hood being on his head. from what i could see from his side profile was a look so focused and just caught up in his own world, starring at the ocean with sad eyes. before i had the courage to speak up, i saw tears streaming from his eyes. it made my heart sink, i wanted to embrace him in a hug right then and there.

i felt a gush of the ocean breeze hit which caused me to shudder and wrap my arms around myself, "it wouldn't have hurt you to bring a sweater, dumbass" i scolded myself, a second later realizing i was too loud

"oh! uh, hey y/n," armin said as he quickly wiped his tears with his sleeves and then patting the sand indicating to sit beside him. "i'm sorry, i didn't see you there." giving me a weak smile. i awkwardly sat down trying not to look at him. i looked towards the ocean, admiring its beauty at night. the crescent moon being as bright and as visible causing the waves to glisten.

it was silent for a couple minutes, all that was heard was the ocean waves followed by a sound of crickets here and there. i saw armin fiddling with his fingers from the corner of my eyes and the awkward silence began to kill me. i came here for a reason.

"hey, armin.. i noticed you were gone and just got worried. are you okay?"

"yeah, i am y/n. thank you for checking up on me." he said, his eyes glued to the ocean.

"armin.. clearly, you're not. i noticed the way you were acting when eren and mikasa came. is it something to do with them?" i didn't mean to intrude, it just came out.

i saw him hesitate for a bit.

"uhm.. it's not mikasa, it's just, well, eren."

i nodded my head, signaling him that i was listening.

"we got into a fight, it was after our senior year and when we were about to depart our ways. eren was trying to convince me to stay, but i wanted to travel the world. mikasa tried calming him down, but he ended up saying things i know he didn't meant, but i was so caught up in the moment that things got physical between him and i."

𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 • armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now