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"hey kids! sorry to disturb, but we need to talk

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"hey kids! sorry to disturb, but we need to talk."

those words from my fathers mouth was enough to make my heart drop. i couldn't help but let the overthinking get over me. his tone sounded serious. i knew something was up and i knew armin felt the same way too.

"come in." i said

armin set the crepe aside and left an open spot for my dad to sit. he took the offer and sighed.

"listen, kids, before i start this conversation i just want to let you two know that this isn't something. you should worry about,"

armin and i nodded in unison, anticipating what my dad is going to say.

"i know it's probably killing you to know,"

it is. i can feel like my heart is going to jump out of chest and my mind can't stop running in circles.

"but," my dad turned to face armin.

"instead of 6 months, armin's stay has been reduced to 4 months."


the thoughts stopped. i felt time stop.

"why?" i said

"well, it's good news! armin got accepted to the university of miami, but unfortunately the orientation is mandatory so if he doesn't go, he won't be an official student."

i turned to look at armin, i mean it's his dream, the university of miami! i remember him telling me about it not too long ago, how he was anxiously waiting for an acceptance letter. well, here it was, but he didn't look excited. i was happy for him, but i don't want him to go- who am i kidding, y/n. i've only known him for a couple weeks, and besides, i should be happy for him. don't be selfish.

"i did all i could to convince them to stay.. but you know how administration is," said my dad, trying to comfort us.

"i'll leave you two to think and process it. i'll call you down when it's time for dinner. i'm always here, armin and y/n." and with that, my dad stood up and walked out the room.


that's all these was surrounding the room, with the ocean waves in the distant.

the noise became louder and louder the more i spaced out until i heard-

"y/n, you okay? i've been saying your name 5 times already." armin said.

"oh, i-.. uhm. well, yeah i'm okay," i said, and forced a smile.

"i'm happy for you." i genuinely was happy for him, i tried to mask the fact that our time together has been cut shorter than it already was. now i know, four months seem to feel like a hundred years away, but in reality, when you spend time with someone who's special to you one way or another, time flies by so fast.

armin seemed to be lost in thought for a second.

"i know you are, i mean you would listen to me rant to you about it most of the time, but..."


"i just, i just don't know anymore, you know? my whole life i've devoted myself to work hard in school, get good grades, countless sleepless nights and hours in the library... i should be happy that my hard work has paid off, but ever i've met you... it's like i found a new purpose in life. i'm not saying like i'm quitting marine biology or all that, no. what i'm saying is i want to do it.. with you, y/n."

my heart fluttered.

"i want to do it with you too, armin."

we both couldn't help but smile like crazy.

is he.. confessing to me?

nonsense. it can't be, can it?

"listen, y/n,"

it's like every thing; the thoughts, sweaty palms, and the heart pounding against my chest unfroze, but this time, it was more... calm.

calm, yet intriguing.

"i've known you for almost a month, but i feel connected to you. more than i ever did with anyone. i don't exactly know what this feeling is yet, but it's a feeling that gets my knees weak around you. you captivate me. i enjoy having your voice be the first thing i listen to in the morning and the last thing i listen to at night. every crystal that looks like your birthstone reminds me of you. you, y/n fill my mind with ease everyday. you remind me of the ocean, so calm and so still, but also so chaotic and filled with mysteries yet to understand. i want to get to know you more, i want to understand you, unravel your mysteries, see what goes on in that beautiful mind of yours. if you let me, please let me apart of that. apart of your world."

i was at a loss of words. i just felt my hand cup his.

"armin.. i'm honestly trying to figure out this feeling too, but i want you to know that i feel the exact same way. you make me feel alive."

i noticed his whole body ease up and a smile grew on his face,

"how about you and i figure out these feelings together?"

A/N: hey y'all! sorry for the short chapter, have been so busy w/ my senior year aha, but i've honestly been missing uploading chapters and miss all of you guys too :") hope you enjoyed it! love you all, 'til next time <3

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