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I WOKE UP to the sound of birds chirping and the wind playing around with my open window

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I WOKE UP to the sound of birds chirping and the wind playing around with my open window. i turned around to my left and looked at my alarm clock,


it said.

wait.. how'd i even get here? all i remember is being with armin last night by the shore.

that's right.. i was in his arms last night. a part of me woke up longing for his touch.

i heard a knock from the door that connected armin's and i's room. my heart jumped in excitement when i knew who was behind that door,

"come in!"

and my guess turned out to be true. it was no other than,

"blondie! come in."

"thanks, sorry if i have woken you up. i made you some orange juice from the garden and peach jam toast." he said as he brought in a bed tray table with the breakfast.

"never expected to get a breakfast in bed from you, armin."

"ohh come on, are you expectations of me that low?"

"nope, never have been." i said, teasingly.

i played with my h/c colored hair to tame it a bit since i tend to wake up with bed head. i also turned to the side real quick and got a whiff of my breath.. pretty good surprisingly.

armin set the table up in the middle of my legs then sat in front of me on the end of the bed.

he grabbed the mug with orange juice and served it on two mugs, a blue and my f/c one. he then proceeded to grab the toast with a butter knife and got some peach jam. his hands delicately spreading the jam on the toast trying not to make a mess.

"i also made you a crepe. i tried my best, it might not be the best but i hope you'll enjoy it!"

"hmm.. then i'll save it for last! for now, let's enjoy the jam and orange juice." armin nodded and we both did a 'cheers' to our mugs.

the oranges here have always been so refreshing, fruit in general. who am i kidding, everything tastes so much better in mexico.

"these oranges turned out to so good!" armin said

"yup! it's one of our best fruits that we grow here alongside the peaches!"

"ohh nice!"

we each got a bite of the peach jam toast and rolled our eyes in enjoyment.

armin and i spent most of the time talking and joking around,

"so, what is it that you want to do after this?"

"after i leave?"

"mhm." it kind of stung when he said that. i haven't really thought about him leaving. i almost forgot that he's only here for a bit of time. half a year, yeah, but it still doesn't feel enough.

"well, i plan on going to my college and take everything that i learned here to my studies over there. then after that.. i plan on still becoming a marine biologist and work towards it. and i hope to one day live by the beach with a dog and a cat. maybe a gecko."

"a gecko?"

"a gecko."

"not really surprised, but at the same time i am."

"geckos are cute! and they're pretty interesting."

"well, i thought you'd say a pet fish."

"nope, i'm a bit scarred from those."

"scarred from fish?"

"it's a uh interesting story,"

"oh do tell!"

"well, you see, when i was about 8 my grandpa got me a pet gold fish. her name was seashell and i would take her literally everywhere in that little tank of hers. i would take her to school and hide her behind the bushes, to the beach, to the bathroom, anywhere you can think of. and well.. remember how i said that i would hide her behind the bushes while i was at school?"

"uh huh..."

"i came out one day and uh.. i saw her beneath the fangs of a cat."

my jaw dropped, but i was also holding back a chuckle.

"oh my god armin i'm so sorry,"

"y/n, you can laugh. i know you're trying to hold it in."

that sentence alone made me burst.

"i'm so sorry! i just.. i can't!"

armin started laughing too.

"you know what's funny,"

he said in between tears

"it's ironic because here i am trying to be a marine biologist when i have a fear of having a pet fish!"

our laughter died down after a minute and i glanced at the crepe.

"oh that's right! the crepe!" i said as i picked the plate up and cut a piece.

"moment of truth, blondie." i said and took a bite. i kid you not, my mouth melted.

"armin! this is delicious," i said as i was cutting up another piece.

"here, you try it!" i said and fed it to him. and his eyes lit up.

"see? it's delicious, you're even surprised by your own crepe cooking."

"never knew i had it in me," armin said as i fed him another piece, "i think it tastes better because you're feeding it to me." he said with a smirk, i rolled my eyes sarcastically, "yeah, yeah. i'm going to need you to make like 100 batch of these."

we were still enjoying the crepe until i heard a knock from the other door.

"come in!"

the door revealed my dad.

"hey kids! sorry to disturb, but we need to talk."

A/N: wooo!! a cliffhanger!! (sorry) but thank you for reading this chapter! i know on my last a/n i said that i'll make this one a visual board chapter but i was too excited to write this one that i couldn't lol. next one for sure will be the visual board though! sorry that i'll keep you waiting a bit longer, i know you're curious on what will happen next but don't worry :)) til next time!

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