Oh No! (No Ships)

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I finally have the motivation to write something so enjoy this

Edd, Matt, and Tord all waved bye to Tom as they headed out for the day to run errands. Tom had insisted on staying home because he had work, he didn't really he just didn't want to go out of the house. Tom watched as the group walked out to the car and drove off. Tom sighed to himself and sat on the couch to watch some tv. Not even minutes after the group had left Tom heard another vehicle pull into the driveway, he thought it was the group coming back because someone had forgotten something but no, this was a completely different scenario. Two guys kicked down the front door to the house and Tom instantly jumped off of the couch. 

Tom made eye contact with one of the guys before realizing he was in trouble and running upstairs to his room. The men quickly followed after Tom and one managed to jump ahead of Tom to stop Tom from jumping out of the window. Tom backed up into a corner and did everything in his power to keep the two men from getting close to him. As a last resort, Tom took out his pocket knife and jumped at one of the guys, trying to cut them. Unfortunately, the guy caught Tom's arm and broke it, making Tom drop his pocket knife and yell out in pain. The two guys pinned Tom to the floor and made sure Tom's death was painful. 

They carved messages into Tom's chest and legs with his own knife before cutting his chest open and cutting out Tom's heart. Tom laid there in shock as he slowly bled out to death the whole time, the whole world going dark around him until he couldn't see nor feel anything. The two men propped Tom up against the wall before quickly cleaning up any evidence that they were there and rushing out before anyone noticed. It was only a few hours before the rest of the gang came home to see their front door hanging slightly off its hinges. They had all thought it was suspicious but didn't start to get worried until they walked inside to see the tv still on and Tom nowhere in sight. Edd called Tom's name out, you could hear the worriedness in his voice. 

After getting nothing but silence Edd rushed upstairs and stopped in the hallway after seeing blood pool out from under Tom's door. Edd quickly opened up Tom's door and screamed when he saw Tom's lifeless body just sitting there. Tord and Matt rushed upstairs after hearing Edd and stopped to see what Edd was looking at. Neither of the boys was prepared for what they saw, Tord stood there in shock while Matt instantly felt sick to his stomach and rushed into the bathroom to throw up. Edd slowly walked over to Tom's corpse and looked at everything the murderers had left behind. He fell to his knees and slowly reached his hand out to touch Tom's face. 

He caressed Tom's cold face and finally, Edd bursts out into tears. Edd pulled Tom's body close and hugged him, not caring if his hoodie got stained with blood. Tord walked over and sat next to Edd, looking at the body that used to belong to his old enemy. The house was quiet for the most part and all 3 of them tried to accept the fact that Tom was dead. Months later, the neighbors and what was left of the group attended Tom's funeral. It wasn't anything too big, the groups stood by Tom's new gravestone and watched as they lowered Tom's coffin into the ground. 

Tord was the quietest one there, he was the only one who had not yet accepted Tom's death and he was currently going over plans in his head on how he could make Tom live again. He had thought of a robot, cloning machines, and serums from his lab but he wasn't sure any of them would work. Tom's death definitely hit Edd and Jon the hardest, one being his best friend and one being a close cousin. Tord would spend all day in his lab trying to bring Tom back to life meanwhile Matt was trying to get Edd back onto his feet and back to normal. Tord tried cloning dead rats only to find out he was creating a dead clone, he tried getting a robot to be exactly like Tom but it never felt the same. Finally, he tried different serums from his lab, mixing them together and trying them out on dead rats or other animals. 

It was years before Tord figured out a serum to give a rat its life back, the only problem was the rat being so confused and scared that it tried killing itself to get back to the afterlife. Tord decided to risk it anyway, maybe he could help Tom overcome this feeling. Tord waited until it was dark, only carrying a shovel, a crowbar, a robotic heart, a surgical kit, and the serum to the graveyard Tom was buried in. Once Tord had reached Tom's grave he set down the bag with the stuff in it before starting to dig out Tom's coffin. It took Tord hours and almost being caught by a few of the graveyard guards, to get Tom's coffin to be revealed to him. Tord carefully cracked open Tom's coffin with the crowbar and hopped down into it.

Tord hooked up the robotic heart where Tom's used to be, he stitched up every little cut he could find and quickly opened up Tom's mouth. Tord grabbed the serum and poured it down into Tom's mouth and waited. Tord waited a few hours outside of the grave, and nothing had happened, he started to get upset with himself until he felt something grab his leg. He jumped up in surprise and expected to see a reborn human Tom, but instead, he was met with the face of a discolored zombie Tom. Tord quietly cursed at himself as he tried to get away from Tom, who was trying to eat his leg. This is going to go bad in so many different ways thought Tord.

So I have no idea how long it takes for a body to decompose in a coffin, I looked it up and got a lot of different answers and it just confused me anymore so if you know it feel free to share the answer with me so this story can at least be a little more accurate and realistic. (I'm not saying it is realistic, Eddsworld literally has no logic in it)

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