The Wolf

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Tom was busy walking in the woods when he heard a noise coming from one of the bushes behind him. He kept on walking until he got to where he was going and sat down at a rock. He heard rustling in the bushes again and looked behind him, but there was nothing there. When Tom looked back in front of him there was a wolf sitting right there. Tom jumped back in surprise, but looked at the wolf. The wolf nudged Tom's hand, and Tom saw that the he was starving. Tom decided that he should take the wolf back, even though no one would like it and go feed him. (That's totally a good idea Tom it's not like he's able to eat you) Tom got up and motioned the wolf to follow and surprisingly he did. Once both of them got to the house they both went into Tom's room. Tom told the wolf to lay down on the floor and surprisingly he understood him. Tom walked downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some food for the wolf.

Tom came back with Edd's bacon from yesterday and fed it to the wolf who chowed down on it. Meanwhile, Edd and Matt had just come home and saw dirty paw prints and shoe prints in the house.

"Thomas James Ridgeback! Get your Ass down here and clean up this mess!!!" yelled Edd.

"Sorry I kinda can't Edd I'm busy!" yelled Tom back.

Edd marched up to Tom's room and bust down the door. Edd pawsed when he saw what was sitting in Tom's lap curled up.

"Tom what is that?" asked Edd confused.

"It's a wolf" said Tom petting the animal in front of him.

The wolf's head perked up and looked at Edd. Edd walked over to Tom and the wolf growled at him.

"Anywayyyy...Tom, have you seen Tord? We haven't seen him since midnight" said Edd.

"No I haven't," said Tom. The wolves ears perked up and looked at Edd weirdly.

"Can he understand us Tom?" asked Matt who was listening to their conversation.

"I think, I told him to lay down and he did so I guess it can" answered Tom.

"Well, Matt and I are going to bed. We'll see you in the morning" said Edd walking off.

The wolf licked Tom on his cheek and jumped on the bed.

"So I guess you're sleeping with me huh," said Tom climbing into bed.

The next morning Tom didn't feel anything on the other side of the bed so he decided to get up. Tom walked into the living room and saw the wolf staring at the t.v. Tom decided he wouldn't question it and went to get some more bacon. Tom started feeding the wolf bacon and ranting about his life. Edd and Matt were searching for Tord so Tom could say anything he wanted. "I wonder where Tord is...I want him to come back...I miss him so much" at this point Tom had started crying and the wolf took notice. "Why did he just disappear all of a sudden? I really love him but I don't have the courage to tell him" said Tom as the wolf licked the tears off of Tom's face. "Thanks for listening to me. I still can't understand how you respond to everything we say" said Tom looking at the wolf. The wolf barked softly back at Tom when his phone went off. Tom checked it and it was Edd.

-Hey, Edd did you find Tord yet?

-No Tom he's nowhere, but there are other people looking for him too. We'll try in the morning. We're heading home right now

-okay Edd

Tom hung up the phone and started crying again. The wolf nudged Tom's side and looked at him. Tom looked at the wolf and saw two different colored eyes like Tord's.

"You remind me of Tord a whole lot you know that right?" said Tom booping the wolf's nose.

The wolf ran up the stairs and into Tom's room and grabbed Tommie Bear.

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