Cut the String

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(Warning Angst)


-Tord's P.O.V.-

I sat down on my swivel chair next to my desk. Ever since Tom shot my robot down with that harpoon, I haven't been the best. I lost an arm, an eye, and a half of my face is still burned and I'm pretty pissed about it. It's been a month since that happened and I had already known that Tom was my soulmate. I stared off into space as I tried to make a decision on whether to cut the string connecting us together. After a while, I had made my decision even though it wouldn't be easy I'm cutting this string, I couldn't live with Tom being my soulmate not after I betrayed him. I could never show my face there ever again so I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the string.

-Tom P.O.V.-

I woke up with a pain in my chest like the other nights I've actually slept through, but this time it hurt way more. I clutched my chest and walked downstairs only to be met with Edd and Matt talking in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and stood in the doorway.

"Oh hey, Tom!" said Matt.

Edd looked at me and I saw his expression change to a worried one.

"Tom are you alright?" asked Edd.

I nodded and reached to the cabinet beside me. I looked around for the pain killers and found them all the way in the back. I opened the bottle and grabbed two pills. I grabbed a cup of water and took the pills. I know they don't work instantly, but I really needed them too. The pain in my chest had gotten worse and I didn't know what was happening. I clutched my chest while I was trying so hard to breathe, Edd had noticed this and rushed over to me.

"Tom!?" said Edd.

I had barely heard him, my vision was getting blurry and I fell to the floor.

"Shit! Matt call 999!" yelled Edd.

Matt frantically picked up his phone and dialed 999, I didn't really hear much after that except for the ambulance sirens. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and hooked up to a machine. I sat up slowly and instantly regret it, the pain in my chest was still there.

"Careful Thomas, we're still trying to find out what caused this," said the Doctor.

Edd and Matt came through the door and they walked up to the bed.

"So Tom, I know you won't like this, but I told Tord about what happened.." said Edd.

I could care less right now, so I nodded my head and I started to cough. I covered my mouth with my hand and once I was done with my coughing fit my hand was covered in blood. I was so scared, why was this happening? I wiped my hand on the bedsheets and looked at Edd.

"Tom do you even know how this happened?..." asked Edd.

"No I wish I did though..."

I looked down at the string on my finger and it still led out the door but I couldn't tell from there.

"Thomas, are you aware that your string could be dissipating?" said Doctor Maddison.

Just the thought of that sent chills down my spine.

"No, I am not..."

I took one more look at my string and this time it had come out from under the door, but this time it wasn't attached anything. I froze in shock and started to shake violently. Edd had noticed this and gave me a big hug.


"Yes Tom?" asked Edd.

Edd let go of me and looked me in the eyes.

"My string is broken.."

Edd looked shocked and went over to tell the doctor, but by the time he was done I had already passed out.

-Edd's P.O.V.-

As I finished talking with the doctor over this I turned to Tom and noticed he had passed out. The doctor had seen this too and rushed to his side. Matt and I were both pushed out of the room and a few more doctors rushed in. I was scared what's going to happen to Tom? It had been a few hours and we saw Tord walk into the hospital. I waved for him to come over and honestly, he didn't look the best, he looked lifeless and tired.

"Why are you guys waiting out here?.." asked Tord.

"Tom had trouble breathing and passed out this time...I'm not sure he'll make it..."

Tord's eyes widen and he looked at the room Tom was in. Doctor Maddison walked out of the room and I stood up to meet him.

"So how is he?"

I guessing he could hear the nervousness in my voice because he gave out a very heavy sigh.

"He's on life support, we're not sure how much longer he'll be able to live," said Doctor Maddison.

"Can we see him at least?..."

Maddison nodded and let us inside, Tom was laying in bed and was hooked up with a whole bunch of things. I started tearing up, he was like a brother to me and now I might loose him. I sat in the chair next to him and grabbed his hand.

"Tom...please pull through this..."

I let tears fall down my face and I felt Matt give me a hug. I was so scared and nervous but I hugged back. I heard Tord walk in and saw him walk to the end of the bed. I could see the tears in his eyes and I saw him grab Tom's hand. He kissed Tom's hand hoping that he would wake up, as he let tears fall down his face. It was silent and the one thing that you could hear was the scribbling of pen on paper and the heart monitor's beeps. It was around three in the morning when we were woken up by the heart monitor. I stared at it and started hearing the beeps get slower and slower before Tom flat-lined. I stood up quickly, rushed over to Tom, and shook him lightly.

"Tom please don't leave us! We all need you!!"

I started sobbing as the security guards pulled all three of us out of the room. Tord didn't fight against them and Matt was too shocked to even move. Tom was gone and we didn't even know who cut his string...

-2 years later-

-Tord's P.O.V.-

I've been living with the guilt of Tom's death for two years and I'm starting to get tired of it. I've already been in the infirmary twice for almost committing suicide, without Tom I don't feel anything. I can't love anymore, can't be happy, all I do is cry and get mad over everything. As I walked up to Tom's grave with a bouquet of flowers the thoughts in my head wouldn't leave me alone. I set the flowers on his grave and sat down. I smiled for the first time in two years as I put a gun to my head.

"I'll be there soon Tom...."

I pulled the trigger and I woke up in a white room. I looked around until I saw a figure sitting at the edge of the room. He had the same spiky hair, blue hoodie, and black jeans that Tom did.


The figure turned around and gave me a smile as he walked over to me, I rushed over and engulfed him into a hug.

"I am so so sorry Tom...."

Tom returned the hug and leaned into my ear.

"Wake up Commie.." said Tom.

I woke up in the infirmary, it was just a dream, so I started balling my eyes out, I just want to be with Tom...

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