Gone Wrong

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(I switched back between Torm calling Tord Pappa and Tom Mamma to just saying their names)

-Tord's P.O.V.-

"Tom can you come here real quick!!"

I was busy in my lab working on an experiment to create clones and I wanted to see if I could create an exact clone of Tom. Tom walked into my room and stood at the edge of my lab.

"What do you want Tord?" asked Tom leaning against the wall.

"Can I have a sample of your blood for an experiment?"

Tom stood quiet for awhile before walking over to be.

"Sure as long as you aren't doing anything stupid with it" said Tom holding out his arm.

I drew the blood from Tom's arm and put it into a test tube.

"Thanks Tom that's all I needed, you can go now"

Tom walked out of my room and shut the door behind him. I started filling the machine up with Tom's blood but in the process spilled mine into the tube when the glass pricked my finger. I hadn't noticed I was bleeding and I added Tom's blood into the machine and started it up. I sat back down at my desk and started looking over the experiment again. About ten minutes later the machine shut off, but what I saw wasn't a clone of Tom. A kid around two years old walked out of the machine. He had my hair, my silver iris, Tom's pitch black eyes and Tom's pale skin. He was wearing a purple sweater and black shorts. The kid looked up at me and you could see his eyes light up as he hugged my leg tightly.

"Hey kid"

I messed up his hair and crouched down to his height. The kid giggled. I sighed and called for Tom to come into my room again. Tom walked into my room and jumped in surprise when he saw a kid hanging onto my leg. I explained the situation to Tom and he sighed.

"So does he have a name yet?" asked Tom.

I thought for a good minute and said Torm. The kid apparently liked that name so he gigglee. It's been 3 months since that happened and me and Tom take care of Torm and hide him from Matt and Edd.

"Pappa!" said Torm happily.

"Yes min sønn?"

I turned around in my chair to face Torm.

"Look what I drew!" said Torm holding up a piece of paper.

"It's you and mamma" said Torm happily.

Tom walked back into my room with a bag.

"What's in there?"

Tom sat down next to Torm and motioned for me to come over. I sat down and Tom took everything out of the bag.

"It's food for all of us" said Tom.

"Thanks mamma" said Torm getting his sharing of food.

After eating I pulled Tom into the hallway to talk for a little bit.

-Torm's P.O.V.-

While Mamma and Pappa were outside talking I opened up the door. I wanted to explore the house since I was never allowed out of pappa's room. I carefully slipped by my parents and went into the living room. Thankfully no one was in there until I saw a guy in a green hoodie walk into the room I was in. He froze when he saw me and he didn't know who I was. I wore a oversized red hoodie and a pair of black shorts.

"Where did you come from?" asked the green hood guy.

I shook my head and kept quiet. He crouched down to my height and looked at me closely.

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