Family is Important

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(Warning Angst)


Tord laid in bed holding his 3-month-old daughter's hand. Her name was Adriana Lawson, but Adrian for short. Tord had red marks leading down his face from both happiness and sadness. He had just lost the Mother to his new daughter. Ever since birth Thomas Ridgeback, his husband has been in the hospital, but until today he decided to give up and his heart flatlined. Tord cried and took his daughter into their shared bedroom, swearing to protect her with all of his life.

-Tord's P.O.V- (Many years later)

Adriana is now 5 and has been a happy ball of joy. She's been the second-best thing that has happened in my life and I could not risk losing her too. It's probably been 4 to 5 years since my lover Thomas had died and it's been rough. I haven't been able to sleep, just the mention of his name brings me to tears, and anyone who talks about him would usually get beat, except for my daughter who has never met her mother. She always asks me to let her see him but I refuse. I haven't been able to visit his grave since she was 4 months old.

"Papa!!" yelled Adriana.

"Yes? min stolthet og glede"

"Can I see mama now?" asked Adriana looking at me with her mother's eyes.

"I guess.."

I picked up Adriana and took her to her mothers grave. She hopped down from my arms and engulfed his gravestone into a hug. About 10 minutes later I hear her say something.

"Papa do you have any pictures of mama?" asked Adriana, "And if so can I see them?"

"Sure," I said picking her up once again and bringing her back into the base and into my room.

I set her on my bed and got a box from the closet. I opened the box and handed her a picture of him.

"This is your mother he died 3 months after you were born. I swore to protect you with my life that day and I would never forget the smile he gave me when he had you. He had tears in his eyes and he hugged you close saying "I'll name you Adriana if that's okay with you Tord?" I agreed but I never knew that he would leave me to raise our daughter alone"

I had started crying and I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me. Adriana was hugging me tightly while holding onto my hoodie. Right then and there Pau busts into my office.

"Sir! Green Leader is attacking our base!!" yelled Pau.

"Adriana, get in the closet and don't come out unless I say so," I said holding her shoulders and giving her a hug.

I watched as she took the box and ran into my closet. I ran outside to see the Green Army standing in front of me.

"Wow Edd I never thought you would show up," I said weakly.

"And I thought you said you'd never let Tom die!" yelled Edd standing his ground.

"You leave him out of this conversation!!"

"Why should I, it's your fault he died in the first place!" yelled Edd.

I called off my army and took out my gun pointing it at Edd's head. Edd pulled out his gun and aimed for my head. What I didn't know was that Adrian was watching this all godown from afar. I put my finger on the trigger and I felt a pain go through my non-robotic arm. Edd had shot me, I saw Edd command his Army to March head-on into the building. After 10 minutes of the army being in the building, I see about a quarter of them run back out in complete terror. All of them yelling and pointing. I see Edd look at what they are pointing at and I saw him freeze up. I feel something pick me up by my hood and lift me off the ground carrying me like a puppy in its mouth. When I looked up I saw a familiar face before it put me down and went to attack Edd. Before I saw the monster my daughter had turned into she was getting ready to attack Edd, so I yelled across the field.

"Please don't do this!! Look I know he yelled at me and accused me of killing him but please for the love of god leave him be!! He was the closest thing he had to a brother!!"

I saw the monster turn to me and walk over to me changing back. By this time I couldn't feel any pain and was crying, hot tears were flowing down my face. I hugged the figure walking towards me which was my daughter Adriana and cried into her shoulder. Edd stared at the scene in front of him before his face went back to normal.

"You've grown too soft Tord," said Edd.

"I've grown too soft!! The love of my life is dead and you expect me to feel normal! He was one of the only things I had left! You and Matt left so what else did I have left! Now all I have is my daughter to remind me of him!"

I yelled picking her up and marching into the base. Edd stood in shock before retreating back to his base. I put Adriana to bed and went to work. I worked all night trying to find a way to bring Tom back to life so Adriana could meet her mother and I could have my love back. When I found a way it was 3 in the morning and Adriana was standing at my door. She walked over to me and pulled me into my room. I took that she wanted me to get rest so I got in bed and under the sheets, Adriana coming in right after and snuggling up to me before falling fast asleep. The next morning I woke up to Adriana talking to Pau and Pat.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked yawning.

"We wanted to tell you it's a success," said Pau.

My eyes lit up and I changed into my uniform.

"Watch over Adriana for me please"

I ran out the door and down to the room to where Tom was. There was Tom but in his monster form, the soldiers warned me that he was dangerous but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I walked up to him standing right where he can see me and I hugged him. At first, he was skeptical but then he hugged back.

"Come on Tom if you can change back and you can go see your daughter"

I felt Tom shift back into his human form and I got so excited I pulled him in for a kiss. Tom kissed back and broke it off.

"Now I would like to go see Adriana," said Tom.

I grabbed Tom's hand and dragged him back to our room. I told Tom to wait outside the door while I grabbed Adriana and Pau and Pat left. After a little while, Tom walked in looking at his now 5-year-old daughter. Adriana cried tears and ran to hug Tom.

"Mama you're alive!!" said Adriana through tears.

Tom started crying and I joined in the hug. Tom was alive and we were all happy and that's all that mattered.

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