Meeting your Past Parents

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(Toby is the oldest and is trans, at this time he's only 3 and likes to go by the name Toby and dress more masculine. Currently, he is a girl but I don't want to bring up she/her pronouns since he uses he/him pronouns now. I also want to specify that Tom did not give birth to any of his kids, they were all born in a test tube. I have changed it)

Toby was sitting alone in the living room while his granddads were busy, Pat was in the kitchen cooking and Pau was outside smoking his cigarette. Toby looked around the place and stuck out his tongue, he was bored and had nothing else to do. While Pat wasn't looking Toby snuck out of the apartment and wandered around to base, Toby waddled and almost tripped over his feet a few times but he still managed to make it into his father's invention room. Toby looked to see if anyone was around so he could go into the room and take a look around, luckily there was no one. Toby slipped into the room quietly and looked around, his eyes landed on a few objects: a laser gun, his papa's old visor, and a time machine.

Of course, Toby didn't know what these objects were or did (except for the visor) but he decided he would check out the biggest machine first, the time machine. Toby entered the time machine and looked around, he saw many colored buttons and he wanted, no needed to push them. Toby stood on his tippy-toes and touched the buttons colored red, white, and purple. Before Toby knew it he had been transported to an unfamiliar place, he looked around frantically trying to find something or someone familiar but it was no use. Toby whimpered and started crying, he wanted to go back home wherever that was. Many bystanders rushed over and tried talking to Toby, they asked him questions like: where are your parents? What are you doing out here alone? This just made Toby cry, even more, that was until a young man around the age of 20 came around and cleared some space around Toby.

Toby sobbed into his hands as the man crouched down and talked in a soft voice, "Hey kiddo, where are your parents? Did they leave you here all alone?"

Toby hiccuped and looked at the man in front of him, he wore a green sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, he has brown hair almost covering his chocolate brown eyes. Toby didn't see this man as a threat so he reached out to be picked up. The man picked Toby up carefully and held him, "Want to come to my house while we try to contact your parents? It's cold out here and I don't want you to freeze" Toby nodded and the man walked to his house, when he walked inside the man was greeted by a taller man with a purple hoodie, glasses, orange long curly hair, and icy blue eyes.

"Where'd you find the kid Edd?" asked the Ginger man.

"He was crying on the sidewalk outside and since it's cold outside I brought him here so we can try to contact his parents," said Edd.

Edd sat Toby down on the couch next to Matt and sat down in front of him on the floor.

"Okay, how old are you kiddo, and what's your name?" asked Edd.

"I'm 3 and my name is Tami, could you call me Toby though?" said Toby shyly.

"Okay Toby, I'm Edd and this right here is Matt," said Edd pointing to Matt when he introduced him, "Can you tell us anything about your parents?"

Toby nodded and smiled, "Dad has a cool arm and papa's eyes are completely black, I don't see them often but I think they're pretty. They're like tiny galaxies. Dad also has two horns sticking from the top of his head that is made from his hair. One of my eyes is like papas and the other one is like Dad's. I miss them a lot, I was playing in Dad's special room and I messed with this huge metal box."

"You sure like to talk a lot, let me see if I can find anything on your parents. In the meantime, you can play with Matt, Tom, or Tord" said Edd getting up.

"Okie!" said Toby as he climbed off the couch and wandered upstairs. Toby waddled into Tord's room and looked around, Tord was currently working in his lab and didn't notice anyone walk inside.

"Wow! Your room looks a lot like Dad's special room!" said Toby looking around.

Tord jumped and turned around in his chair.

"How'd you get into the house?" asked Tord panicked.

"Edd brought me here, he's trying to help me find my dads! You talk like dad," said Toby climbing onto Tord's lap, "What are you doing?"

"Ummmm, Tom!" yelled Tord.

"What Commie!?" yelled Tom back.

"Can you come get this tiny child off of me!? I need to work!" said Tord.

Tom walked into the room and looked at Toby and Toby looked back at him.

Toby gasped softly and giggled, "Your eyes are really pretty! They remind me of papas, he has eyes like yours!"

"Edd!" yelled Tom.

Edd walked upstairs and looked at Tom and Tord.

"Oh! I see you two found Toby" said Edd.

"Where the hell did he come from?" asked Tom.

"Oh, he lost his parents so we're trying to figure out how to contact them. Just keep him entertained" said Edd walking back downstairs.

Toby looked around the room when his eyes landed on a familiar metal box and pointed to it, "There! I was playing in that!"

"That's a time machine, I have the only recorded one in history," said Tord.

Tord picked up Toby and walked downstairs, "Edd I think the kid is from the future."

"That would explain a lot of things, I can't find anyone matching the description Toby gave us," said Edd.

Toby looked out the window and lit up, "Dad!" he yelled while pointing to future Tord.

Toby opened up the door and ran over to future Tord who scooped him up and held him close.

"Oh thank god you're okay," said future Tord.

Everyone stared at future Tord in shock. "Stop staring at me, I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my head," said future Tord.

Future Tord turned around to face the group, half of future Tord's face was burnt off, his hair was long even though Tord had no hair growing on the scars, you could see his eye socket, his mouth was ripped open, and he had a robotic arm.

"No, I'm not telling you how this happened," said future Tord.

"Okay then what can you tell us about the future?" asked Matt.

"We all get married, have a kid, life is busy since we have our own armies to take care of, and I think that's it," said Future Tord.

"Who are we married to?" asked Edd.

"Edd and Matt are married and have a kid named Lex and Tom and I have Toby," said future Tord, "Now if you'd excuse me, I need to go yell at my parents for letting Toby touch the time machine."

Future Tord looked at the watch on his hand and teleported back to his timeline. Tord handed Toby over to Tom and started yelling at Pat and Pau. Toby hugged Tom and smiled, "I love you, papa," said Toby.

"I love you too my little prince," said Tom.

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