The Flight

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Since the YouTuber's Academy was located in LA, of course all of the international YouTubers would have to find a flight and possibly somewhere to live while they attended school.

But fate was not on Sean's side, apparently. He fortunately had enough money to get him a flight down there, but not enough to get him a place to stay. 'Who would I live with?' he thought worriedly, his head falling on his desk. "Fuuuuck." Sean lifted his head and opened up his browser, pulling up an apartment search in LA. He was quickly interrupted, though, by a noise from his Skype.

M: Hey, Jack! How's the search going?

Sean had told Mark that he'd need a little help finding an apartment to stay at, since Mark knew LA better, having his help would guarantee him a decent place. But most of the apartments are over $100-200 per month, which is more than he can handle. He'll need to find another way or else he might not be able to go, in result hurting his channel.

J: Not well. I've been looking for hours, but everything is so expensive.

M: Yeah, I get that. Sometimes it's a bit too expensive even where I live.

J: Is there any other way I can stay somewhere, like a hotel, or find something cheaper?

Mark seemed to go silent, as it took him a few minutes to reply back. It's as if he was just simply stating at the screen, trying to think of some other way.

- Over in America -

Mark pondered at a simple thought flinging around in his mind, debating on if it was a good idea, and if Sean would approve. He figured it might be a bit easier to just simply let Sean live with someone, but he knew that he wouldn't want to live with just anyone.

M: Heeeey, why don't you just stay with me? Just pitch in a little money and you can just stay at my place.

J: Oh- well, I feel stupid. I could've thought of that before. And, it can help with your payment each month.

M: Weeeelll, I wasn't completely thinking with money, Jack, I'm not some selfish asshole.

J: Well, it sounds like a plan, Mark! I'll try to book my flight ASAP! In fact, I see one ready tomorrow night. Does that sound okay?

M: Yeah, that's perfect! Just make sure you let your fans know that I'm kidnapping you ;)

J: Just make sure you feed me, okay?

M: I promise, baby.

The two said their farewells and Mark started to panic. 'Jack's coming here in like two days and my apartment is so fucked!' his mind screamed, and he started to dart around his room like a firefly, trying to clear paths and put things away to make it look neat. He didn't really understand why he was panicking so much, it was just his friend Sean coming over for a school. "Okay, Mark, slow down. Think," he mumbled to himself, taking a few breaths, and slowly picking up some clothes and putting them away in his drawers. It's not like his room was extremely dirty, there was just a bunch of dirty clothes everywhere. He threw some clothes into his closet, shutting it and standing up straight, overlooking his room once more before exiting to go eat something.

For some strange reason, Mark wanted time to fly by today. He wanted to rush through the day, to meet his friend. It was making him all jittery inside, he couldn't focus correctly on anything. Mark settled on some chicken he bought yesterday, and pulled it out of the fridge to heat it up. While waiting, all he could think about was 'I'm going to finally meet Jack. Finally.' He felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips, as the thought of Sean made him feel happy. He stared at the ground, zoning out for a small moment, thinking about what could happen. But the small wonderland didn't last long, as a long 'beep!' dragged out in his ear from the microwave. Mark spun on his heels and pulled the microwave open, touching the meat to feel if it was warm enough, and closed the microwave again. "Still cold," he said, adding another 30 seconds, and stared at the spinning plate, once again zoning out. His thoughts lately revolved around Sean, especially when he would zone out or start daydreaming. But did he have an explanation for it? No. He didn't think much of it, thinking it was just some normal thing to happen. He blinked a few times as the plate stopped spinning, and pulled the microwave open once again and felt for heat, and nodded, pulling the plate out and closing the microwave. He grabbed a soda from the fridge and walked over to the TV, flipping on some old cartoons. He didn't know what interested him so much in old cartoons, they were pretty damn funny, though.

- Back in Ireland -

Sean was in a state of rush, running around his home and throwing things into two suitcases. He didn't bother estimating the time he would be in America, so two suit cases seemed like enough; and you'd be surprised at how much stuff can fit into one suitcase. He wrote down a checklist before he started packing, so he knew he had everything. "Okay, clothes, shoes, underwear, socks, set-up...personal items...hat..." Sean recited the checklist as he overlooked the two suitcases and bag full of his set-up equipment, counting on his fingers for each thing he said. "Uhm..." He tried to wrack his brain for anything else he thought he might need, but nothing else came to mind. He nodded at his bags, zipping them up and closing the equipment bag, and put it all by the door of his bedroom. Sean went back over to his laptop, which he had not packed so he could use it on the flight, and opened it to check the time of the flight again. "9 AM. So... Arrive around 8 or so, get up at like 7:30 for breakfast..." Sean went over his plans out loud, scanning the departure and arrival time. He'd never rode on a plane before, so her rather be prepared than not. 'I think I'm all set,' he thought to himself, resting his head on his hand, and letting out a soft sigh.

God, everything seems so rushed. "I guess I'd better get some sleep," he mutters, and sheds his shirt and bottoms, keeping his boxers on, and slips under the bed covers, slowly slipping out of reality.

- Let's go back to America -

"It's getting late," Mark mumbled to himself as he checked the time on his cell, clicking the TV off. He didn't really know when Sean was supposed to arrive, he didn't get enough info from him when they last spoke. But, it seemed like he was ready. Mark had spent another hour or so after he was done eating with cleaning, and successfully cleaned his kitchen, the bathroom, and the living space (which seemed to surprise him more than he thought). 'Maybe I should upload a quick update video to let everyone know I might be busy the next few days,' he thought, and stood, walking back to his bedroom. It might be a good idea to let everyone know so they don't freak out. Mark grabbed his camera and walked to his desk, setting it up on the tripod.

(CAMERA ON) "Hello, everybody, my name is Markiplier! I just have some updating news on some personal stuff, but more so... Guess what? I'm going to finally meet Jacksepticeye!" Mark pointed to the corner of the screen, as he will put a picture of Sean in later. "He's going to be coming down to the U.S. for some things that need to be taken care of, I'll explain what's going on in another video later, I promise. But that means lots of collabs with my dear Irish friend!" Mark whispered into the camera, "If you haven't already, you should totally subscribe to him." ...

The video was short, as it was merely an update video, but Mark soon got into editing it, although there wasn't much to add except some cuts and a picture of Sean. 'I should probably get to bed soon,' he thought as he started to go through the edit process with his Vlog.

His anxiousness and excitement wouldn't let him sleep peacefully through the night.


A/N: Heeeeeeeeere's the flight! The next chapter will be about Jack's arrival, so be prepared for that.

I don't really have much to say except thanks about all the comments on my story. I appreciate that you all enjoy the story, and I hope you continue to support me through the whole thing! Also, you should totally still send support and get-well things to Mark since he will soon be out of the hospital! He needs all the support he can get, he deserves it!

As always, tá lá iontach!

~ The Meaningless Author

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