Halloween (pt. 1)

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A/N: halloween idea inspired by something i recently read


"Come on, come on, come on!" The bed was moving frantically underneath Mark's weight with Jack groaning angrily, half-naked underneath the covers. "Mark, please! It's nearly 10, why're ya bouncin' off t'e fuckin' walls?!" Mark grins stupidly at his boyfriend when he rolls over, and shakes the blanket, as well as the one wrapped in it. "It's Halloween, ya doof! We gotta go shopping, gotta go all out! I wanna give people the spooks!" Jack slaps a hand on his forehead and stuffs a pillow in Mark's face. "Yer about 14 days early, y'know? Halloween is on the 31st, not on the 17th. And here I thought you were smart," he jokes and Mark mashes the pillow back down against Jack's face. The green-haired man snorts and chuckles at his boyfriend's flustered reaction, and finally pushes the blanket off his exposed body, much to Mark's delight. 

It takes maybe another 15 minutes for Jack to mentally prepare himself for the coming day, and then finally his feet hit the cold ground of his bedroom. He shivers and stands, pillow falling to the floor. He tosses it back on his bed and goes to pull something out of the dresser. A simple gray shirt, black, white and gray flannel, and dark blue jeans are satisfactory enough, knowing that the two might be getting messy later if Mark's plans are all-out Halloween. He looks at himself in the mirror and sighs at his bedhead, trying to run his fingers through it to tame the green mess. Eventually settling on the little bump leftover from the previous disaster, he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. 

Downstairs, Mark is, almost literally, bouncing off the walls. Jack's tired eyes can't even keep up with the red hair dashing back and forth from the kitchen to the living room; and why he'd be doing this at such an early time, he didn't know. "Come on, come on, hurry! Go eat, we have to go shop!" Jack lifts his hand to silence his giddy boyfriend. "Why're ye wantin' to go out at such an early time?" Mark grows silent for a few seconds, then scoffs, as if offended by his words. "Jack! It's the best time, when things are just stocked and there aren't so many people! It's like Black Friday, just..with more scary stuff!" he exclaims happily, then starts his running around once again. Jack huffs, then heads towards the kitchen, almost running into Mark at least 3 or 4 times. He grabs a mug and pours himself some coffee, sipping a bit and wincing at the heat and bitterness. 

Finally fixing his coffee to just the right sweetness, he takes another sip and he feels the heat spread and it warms him, a small smile forming on his lips. Mark runs back into the kitchen and catches Jack in his little moment, and smiles. "You're so cute, all bundled up with your coffee and smiling at it. This is exactly what I like to see every morning," he coos at his boyfriend, giggling at the redness in his cheeks as he sticks his tongue out. "So, where're we plannin' t' go today?" Mark rests against the door frame and starts to count out on his fingers. "I was thinking we should check Spirit Halloween, and maybe a couple of the themed stores in the mall, maybe? There's always those two stores that open each Halloween, and they have some good shit, but it doesn't last long. Figured we'd hit those two first as soon as they open around 11:30." Jack nods throughout the conversation, and agrees silently. "Well, as soon as I finish my coffee, we'll go, okay? So calm yerself fer now, it's givin' me a headache jus' watchin' ya run around t'e place," he exaggerates, and Mark laughs. He moves to stand in front of Jack and leans in, pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss. "Tastes like coffee and Irish." Jack punches Mark in the chest, and the two start to laugh. "Oh, hush, ya big goof."


The two were now in the car, on their way to their first two destinations. On the way, Jack sparks a conversation. "So, did ya have any idea to a theme maybe? Or any ideas to what we're gonna need for this Halloween?" Mark, staying focused on the road, nods. "I...well, I was kind of thinking that maybe we could make a kind of haunted house leading up to our front door, or wherever we're handing out candy. I think so far we have the sufficient funds to get the tools and stuff we need, and I wanted to go off on a branch of mansion-esque, but maybe with a little twist?" Jack drums his fingers against the dash to the beat of the song playing in the background. "So like, creepy pictures and masks hanging on the wall to mimic heads? Or, little pedestals with severed hands and fingers - stuff like that?" Mark nods enthusiastically. "Yes, exactly! But I was thinking maybe a little twist, gaming style? Maybe there comes a part in the mansion where people might have to crawl, and there's holes in the tight space where stuff pops out. Or if you have another idea..." He trails off, and Jack shakes his head. "No, I think that sounds like fun! I think people would get a kick outta it, and we could scare some kids, right? I think it's a good idea to go all out, I've been needing somethin' to occupy my brain while I got nothin' else ta do," he agrees, and receives a smile from Mark. "Well, then it's settled. All out, mansion style!" he exclaims, and Jack chuckles. 

They hunt down a parking space in the big garage and exit the car, heading to the mall entrance. "So... Halloween Town first. If I'm remembering correctly, it's closer then the other one. We'll head there first, then make our way over to the other one, 'kay?" Jack nods in response, and the two traverse into the mall, in the direction of store No. 1. 

Mark grabs a basket and his eyes start to wander. He realized he already lost Jack, before - "Ack! What the-" The red-haired man turns around to a giggling Irish male behind him. "Come on, Jack, don't embarrass me in public!" Jack takes the mask off and sets it down, putting one of his hands up in defense. "Fine, fine. Didn't know I was yer mother now," he jokes, earning a smack to the arm. "Alright, alright! Don't attack me! So, what's our goal here?" Mark looks around again, and scratches the side of his head. "I think this one will be for the smaller knick-knacks, like the stuff that'll go on walls or in cupboards or something. The other one will be for the liquid stuff or spider webs, the DIY stuff. Spirit will be for the big guns, the statues, and that stuff. So, go around and search for some things you can imagine in a stereotypical haunted mansion." Jack nods and disappears in one of the aisles. 

After about an hour of screams, shits and giggles, the two leave with several small bags put into a couple of large bags, containing items from pictures to fake eyes and jars full of organs. They head over to the next store and upon entering inside, something swings from above and causes Jack to freak out and fall. Mark burst into laughter and fell as well. "Shut up, Mark, ye weren't in front like I was!" Mark was holding his sides from the pain, the bag falling from his hands. "You just fucking fell on your ass, dude! Holy shit that was priceless, you should've seen the look on your face!" Jack snarls at Mark and stands, dusting himself off and stepping over Mark, avoiding the object that swung down at him. Mark gathers himself and runs inside after him. 

Eventually they exit with another bag of white and glow-in-the-dark cotton, bottles upon bottles of fake blood, and other colored liquids. They make small talk while exiting the mall, and heading back to the car. "Jesus, we must've spent over $100 in there, Mark!" Mark brushes off his comment, interlocking their fingers when they walk into the parking garage. "It'll be fine, baby, I made sure of money before suggesting this." Jack sighs and helps Mark stuff the bags into the trunk of the car, and they both slip into the front seats and pull out of their spot. Jack listens to Mark ramble on about their plans for this Halloween, but his voice fades into a mumble while he's lost staring at his red-haired dork. Okay, so maybe he can forgive him about being woken up so early this morning...



A/N: well this was fun. so i got this idea while reading tusslee's story (H2OVanoss: Love Comes Knocking - highly recommend, amazing writer!). her recent chapter was about getting ready for halloween, and i fuckin love halloween, so why not? 

on another note, im actually going to enter this into the Wattys. i was highly debating this, cus i have no confidence in my own work. but hey, its worth a shot, right? 

anyways, hope you guys enjoyed. 

farewell my dudes.

- croissant

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