Author's Note: 3k Special!

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So, if you didn't already read it from the title of this chapter, we've hit 3 thousand reads! That is probably the best I've ever seen on any of my stories (well, it is), and that blows my mind! So, I figured with 3k reads, I think something special should come out of it.

That means we're gonna have to comment and leave some opinions, votes, etc. I've been torturing y'all a lot on the smut factor, so should I base the next one off that? Should I make a smut chapter for all of you to enjoy? Should it be something more spectacular? Should I add another ship in to make it even gayer, like, on the side? And no, they will not be getting married yet, so don't even think of that. Too soon!

But this will be a short author's note, so I'll leave it to you all to choose what I should do next! Should I do a lemon chapter? Should I do something else? What will it be? If you have any ideas, let me know in the comments or inbox me a message for something nice and specific. I'll leave it up to you, and I'll let you know in another author's note for what has won over in votes/requests!

As always, tá lá iontach!

~ The Meaningless Author

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