Don't Kill Me...

700 17 4

Okay, so I need a bit of help. I wanna continue writing this story, buuuuuut... I don't know what to exactly...write about. I just wanted to say that I will still write this story, I will fucking go down with this ship, so help me, God. I think I might have some ideas, but I mean....maybe? I dunno, help me.

Sometimes, with me, writing stories can be hella fun, believe me, but once I hit a point where I get lost, and I don't know what to say, then I'm just like....oh. But, hey, it seems like some of you actually like my story, and I still can't believe I hit 5k+ reads, like... That's fucking crazy!

I wanna just thank you all for reading, even if I'm not some hugely popular writer, having simply 10 followers means everything to me, and I would be happy to see you all continuing to. I know, sometimes I'm a hopeless wreck, I can't help it. But, help me out?

Also, keep in watch for another Septiplier story coming out (at some point). I have an idea, and I'll be referring to whom I am basing the story off of. "Never thought you'd actually be able to date Death, amirite?" Also, maybe might write some one-shots for ships, stuffs like that.

Enough of me babbling, go back to your lives, friendos.

As always, tá lá iontach!

~ The Lazy Croissant (I changed it, happy?)

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