I love you!

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It was nearing the end of the day for school, there was only two periods left, and one was going on right now. Sean's 7th period, his course on horror games, was actually kind of interesting. Although, they weren't starting out with recent games. The teacher was currently talking about some of the older horror games, some of which Sean has played himself. One of the noticeable games was the creepy game IMSCARED. Sean can remember when he had played that game, as that game completely fucked with his mind, as he could remember. The game was one that actually got into your computer, and created files and opened up browser tabs, which went with the game. Sometimes the game would even open up itself, and each time it closed there was a note file with instructions on what to do when opening the game again.

Sean shuddered at the thought of the game, writing down random little things he heard come out of the teacher's mouth, jotting down on the paper he got at the beginning of class. The teacher was very nice, as he always held a smile on his face, and respected the students as they respected him. None of the students had tried to disrupt the class, unless it was on accident. Sean recognised few of the students in here. JonTron was one of the students, as well as Dlive and Yamimash. Sean hadn't talked much to Aaron (Yamimash), but from what he has heard, he's a very nice fellow. Sometimes they'd collab with Mark and Sean, sometimes with Wade or Bob.

'Bob and Wade... I wonder where they are,' Sean thought as he looked around the room at any more familiar faces. He saw someone, but only the back of the head. Sean thought for a moment, and looked at the front to see the teacher occupied with writing on the board. Sean acted quickly and folded up a paper, tossing it at the student he was looking at, and it hit their back. The unnamed student turned, and Sean's face lit up. "Wade!" he whispered happily, and Wade merely waved, turning his attention back to the front of the room. Sean had a smile on his face for the rest of the period, as he was happy to see Wade. He'd never met him, so the Irish man noted to give a somewhat formal greeting at the end of the period.

Sean had checked his schedule to see his last class was playthroughs, or "Let's Play's", as they'd call it. He remembered Mark saying he had a later class for Let's Play's, but he couldn't remember when. 'Guess I'll have to wait,' he thought, and looked back up at the front of the classroom.

- In Mark's Class -

Trending games. Top games. Blah, blah, blah... He cared...not. Mark's class was about the trending and popular games on the Internet. He couldn't care less about the trending games, he just wanted to play the ones he likes to play. His head was propped against his hands, and he stared around the class. There were some students he just knew from YouTube. ZeRoyalViking was over in the front with GaLm, and Chilled was sitting behind them. He'd gotten yelled at several times today because of his hat, but still refused to take it off. Same with Ken, or CinnamonToastKen, who was sitting all the way in the back. The teacher would sometimes glare at the two, and it made everyone snicker at the looks they gave back.

There was only one thing crossing Mark's mind right now. He needed to tell Sean something, and something important. There were enough subtle hints, and he knew he was ignoring this long enough. This was something he realized a while ago, but continued to ignore it, not wanting to seem weird, or awkward. But, ever since the day of their challenge, and study hall today, he's been pushed further out of his shell, and at this point, he knew he had to say something, fear of rejection and anger all with it. The feelings he's tried to push away, Mark couldn't really understand them much.

He needed to tell Sean that he loved him.

- Skipping to the car ride home... -

"So, did I tell you I finally met Wade? I couldn't find Bob, but Wade is in my horror games course. I didn't know it was him until I looked hard enough, though," Sean explained, tapping his chin with his fingers in slight confusion. Mark seemed too concentrated on the road to be listening to Sean, which made the Irish man somewhat concerned. He could tell there was something off about his mood, as it was lingering in the air, making it tight and dense. "Mark, are you okay?" Mark's attention finally turned to him, and his eyes averted down at Sean's hands. He couldn't look him in the eye. "Mark?" Sean repeated, reaching over and resting a hand on his shoulder. He was tense, it could be seen in the muscles popping from his arms, and his jaw was clenched.

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