Back to School (pt. 2)

293 14 11

A/N: dont kill me just read ok //dodges gunshots//


Sean scarfed down his food at a quick pace, not realizing he was going a bit too quickly before he started coughing violently, and Mark rushed back over to his side with worry etched into his face. "Jesus, Jack, don't die before we have to go to school!" Mark rushes to the counter to grab some paper towels and cleans up the mess that was beat out of Sean, and mockingly brushed it against Sean's mouth, wiping his mouth and smiling innocently. "Stop that, ye bastard!" Sean smacks Mark's hand away, and the raven-haired man snickers and tosses the towels in the trash, and pads across the floor back over to the door. Sean brushes himself off, pulling his shirt and letting the crumbs dribble off onto the floor. "'re cleaning that up." Sean whips his head around and looks at Mark, smiling and tilting his head. "Nnnnnnnope!" "H-hey, wait up! Don't go running out there!"

Mark's attempting to catch up to Sean, who took his stuff and dashed out the door, slamming it in his boyfriend's face and laughing all the while. Mark growls and grabs his bag, slings it over his shoulder and rushes after him, dodging all the people in the hallway of their complex. "Jack, come on! It's too early for this!" Sean looks back and giggles cutely. " Nothing's too early for a hyper Irishman!" he shouts back, and continues to run until he darts out the door and runs into their car. He rests his body against the side of it, and turns around to see a slightly pissed, and out-of-breath Mark. "Asshole," he mutters before pressing his lips gingerly to Jack's temple, opening the car door and slipping past his boyfriend into the driver's seat. 

Jack's stuck slightly dumbfounded by the car before he snaps back to reality and rushes to the passenger side, opening the door, tossing his bag in the back seat, and collapsing in the passenger seat. "Okay...maybe I admit...defeat," he says, still slightly breathless, and looks over at Mark who's fashioning his attractive, sweet smirk. 'God, don't fucking do that to me this early in the morning,' he thinks while staring at his boyfriend, his lips pursed in an embarrassed crooked line and red staining his light skin. "Dammit, Mark," he mutters while covering his face, hearing Mark chuckle at his reaction. "Hey, it's what we call "payback", I'm sure you know what it is," Mark responds mockingly, and starts up the car and pulls out of the parking spot, into the street.

- Back At School -

"Mark! Jack! Heya, bros!" Felix pipes up when he sees the pair slip into their first classroom, and both boys look up at the same time to a smiling PewDiePie. "Where've you guys been? Everyone's been itchin' to figure out where you two disappeared to," Cry chimes in while Mark and Sean slip to the back seats with their friends. "Some business came along that we had to figure out and solve," Mark answers while looking over at Jack, winking at him. Jack sighs and shakes his head, looking back up at all the students in class. His eyes meet with one of the Grumps, Barry, and they both wave and smile sweetly. "Hey there, Jack," he says in a quiet tone, and Jack nods before being brought back into the conversation in the back.

"Dude, you wouldn't believe all the stuff you've missed! There was a dance that was held over in the auditorium," Felix begins, and glances over at someone in the corner - that person being Suzy. "Arin and Suzy from the Game Grumps made out when they were called up to the stage for king and queen of the night. It was fucking crazy, bro!" Cry looks over at Felix and shakes his head. "Let me tell you that there were quite a few drunkies out on the floor too; fucking Ken had to be dragged out with Mary by the end of the night when she'd realized someone spiked the drinks. It was so damn good, though, Ken was like, a fucking mess!" Rethinking the memory made Cry chuckle at the thought, and Jack and Mark couldn't help but laugh as well. 

"Class! Class, please, calm down! Bring your voices down, please; we have a newcomer to the school," the classroom teacher broke the student chatter and everyone's attention was brought to the front. The teacher looked to their left and a brown-haired male stepped into the room. He had on a shirt assumingly to match the logo of his channel, and all the students 'oo'ed like kindergarteners. "Hey, there, everybody." The unknown male's voice was soft, and he seemed to have a slight lisp. A good-grown beard, similar to Felix's, spiky, but more ragged (and not as soft) Justin Bieber styled hair, skinny, and taller than Jack and Mark, at least. "Everyone, this is Austin Hargrave, also known as PBG."

"I'm the Peanut Butter Gamer."


A/N: Don't - agh! //dodges wooden board// Don't kill me! //grabs baseball bat// I'm armed!

Just kidding, you guys wouldn't hurt me (at least I hope).'s, er....been a while. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...................but I really hope you like this chapter! I've recently been obsessed with Game Grumps as well as PBG, so we introduced some PBG into this story!

Hope you all like the new update!

Bíodh lá iontach!

- The Lazy Croissant

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