Let's Play Chase

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((Neck kisses and love bites...skin staining...marking. You are mine.))

Ever since the challenge and the bathroom incident, it's been a normal thing to have dark bites and hickeys all over Sean's neck. They've faded a lot since then, which seemed to irk Mark at the realization of their disappearance. They were both in the kitchen making dinner, Sean over by the stove cooking up some spaghetti sauce and pasta, Mark was busy on the other side of the kitchen pouring drinks and throwing together a small salad bowl for the two to split. "Have you ever cooked at home, Mark?" Sean asked, stirring the sauce in little circles, watching the little bubbles pop due to the heat. "Not often. I tend to order out, because this lazy ass can't get up and make himself food." That remark made Sean chuckle quietly, switching stirring utensils and stirring the angel hair boiling in the pot behind the pan with the sauce. Mark was just about done putting the lettuce in the bowl, and he turned to the sink to grab the towel and dry his hands. "Do you like anything in your salad, babe?" Sean turned and his cheeks tinted a light pink, making Mark smirk at the color. "I don't mind what you put in it. Surprise me," he simply replies, turning back to the pot and pan and scooping up a bit of the sauce into a spoon. "Try it." Mark walked over to Sean and leaned forward, poking his tongue out at it. "Iiiith hoth," he says with his tongue out, making Sean smile. "Oh, poor baby. C'mon, try it," he pleads, and Mark sighs, opening his mouth and taking in the spoonful, pulling it all off the metal spoon. It takes a moment for him to reply, and he covers his mouth as he spoke. "I like it," he says lowly, trying not to speak fast with food in his mouth. "Good! It's almost done, so finish the salad," Sean orders, and points back over to the salad bowl. Mark huffs, pouts, and walks past Sean, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck before walking over to the fridge, grabbing some shredded cheese and small tomatoes, along with Ranch dressing. "Ranch is okay, right?" Sean nods when Mark looks over, and he shrugs and returns to the salad bowl, putting all of the grabbed items on the counter.


Before long, the two had finished their portions of the meal, but Mark was done setting his up before Sean was. Mark was at the table putting the bowl on the table, and Sean was still at the counter, putting the pasta in a large bowl and the sauce on top of it. Mark looked over at Sean, and he stared at his bare neck. Sean was wearing one of his low-collar shirts, and the sight made it hard for Mark to not walk over and re-mark him. But did he do it? Well...yes. Mark slipped around the chairs and over to Sean, standing behind him and wrapping his arms around his thin waist, burying his face in his neck. His skin was cold, but Mark's body heat changed that quickly. "It'll be ready in a mom-ah-" Cut off by a gasp, Sean grabbed the edge of the counter as soon as he felt teeth against his skin, and his breathing pattern cut short. Mark was softly sucking on his skin, planning to leave a light love bite in view. "Mar-k, we need..to eat," Sean gasps, and Mark growls and tightens his grip on his waist. "...please," Sean begged, and Mark huffed against his skin, and pulled away, rubbing his hand over it and pressing a kiss on it. "Fine," he mumbles, and walks over to the table, sitting down near the wall. It took a second for Sean to regather his breath, and he stayed still for a moment, breathing slightly heavily. He grabbed the bowl and pulled it off the counter, holding it with shaky hands as he walked over to the table, and set it down next to the salad bowl. "Why before dinner?" Mark snickered. "Well, it makes sense doesn't it? Before dinner, because if I can remember, I noted you being quite delicious," he commented, making Sean blush darker. "You're damn lucky I love you, or I'd leave the apartment," Sean threatened, trying to calm his pattern back to normal, breathing longer patches of breath to catch it.

Mark and Sean never really talked much during dinner, even before this day. They were pretty much silent. Sean would normally pull up something on his cell to occupy his thoughts, pulling up something to read this time. "We should really read one of these little fan-fictions on this app, like a lot of YouTubers do," Sean says, looking over at Mark who's stuffing his face with food. He stops in the middle of putting spaghetti into his mouth, freezing. "Oh my god, you're such a fucking nerd," Sean says, laughing. He turns his phone around and slides it over to Mark, who averts his eyes downwards and reads a few sentences. "I actually never looked into these things, they seemed kind of silly," Mark answered, covering his mouth full of food. He kept reading a few more lines, and his cheeks started to tint pink. "God, couldn't find something more explicit, Jack?" Mark joked, and Sean shrugged, pulling his phone back. "There aren't many that aren't rated mature on this thing, and those are normally written like shit. Some of these fans are damn crazy, though," he admits, staring down at the story, reading a few lines himself. He read one of the "explicit" parts, and started coughing all of a sudden. "Whoa, Jack, you okay there?" Sean nodded, and pushed his phone back towards Mark. "This part is just like what I've done, why freak out about it?" Sean shrugged again, clearing his throat. "I guess there's just more of it?" Mark stared st Sean, who seemed to blush darkly at his dark gaze. "You really want to say that. Dare say I think you just challenged me, Jack," Mark's voice dropped at least two fucking octaves, and he had an evil smirk on his face. Sean whimpered quietly, and jumped from his chair and ran down the hall. Mark seemed to catch on quickly, and jumped from his seat, hot on his boyfriend's trail. "This is no game of chase, you won't have anywhere to go!" Mark roared, and Sean ran into their bedroom, shutting the door and leaning against it, his head turning back and forth about the room, panicking (no, not in a bad way, it's a little game, you crazies!). He could easily hear Mark growl from behind the door, as his body was pushing against it, Sean's was moving with it. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,' was all that was running through Sean's mind at this moment, before Mark came bursting through the door, sending Sean flying in the other direction. He fell against the bed and quickly flipped over, sitting on the bed in a propped position, his feet hanging over the edge.

"Caught you." Mark's voice was low and raspy, and he stood right over Sean at the end of the bed. He was slow with his movements, putting Sean on edge, and inched his way closer and closer to him. Sean knew he fucked up way before this situation broke out, so he was just barely expecting what was about to happen. But, not in the way it played out. Mark had grabbed both his hands and pinned them above his head, making Sean fall back against the bed. A growl rumbled in Mark's chest, and he attached his lips to Sean's bare neck, nipping at his sensitive skin. Sean tried his damn hardest to keep hold on his voice, biting his lip and swallowing any moans threatening to come up, which seemed to anger the raven-haired man, as his growl got louder, and he bit down on the junction between Sean's neck and shoulder, sending a shock through the Irish man, and a cry ripping from him. That seemed to satisfy Mark, but not to the point where he let Sean back up. Far from it, in fact. Mark wanted to try something else, but it didn't involve his neck...

"H-ah!" Mark had been propped up on his knees, and now he was using it to his advantage. He pushed his knee up against Sean's crotch, emitting a louder moan than before, which gave him power (in a way, don't take that out of context) to keep going. He made sure to leave visible bites and dark love bites on his throat, collarbone, and shoulders, as this was what he had in mind all night. Mark wanted to make sure that everyone knew Sean was his, and no one would mess with him (he's protective, shush). He started at his shoulder-neck area, biting and sucking more roughly than before. "M-Mark," Sean gasped, struggling to free his hands. Mark had a tight grip on them, signalling that he'd have dark rings or something to signify that it was so tight, or it felt like there would be marks left. But he completely ignored Sean's weak attempts, moving his attention to his collarbone (even I can say myself that his collarbone is just...damn), and now, dropping the biting, nipping softly at the skin, making Sean shiver and shake beneath him. But, before Sean could think about begging more, Mark lifted his head and looked down at his boyfriend. Sean's cheeks were a dark shade of red, his eyes were half-lidded, and his breathing was heavy and short. Satisfied enough, Mark fell onto the side and sat with his legs crossed, and he pulled Sean into his lap. "Y-you...bastard," he muttered weakly, staring down at Mark who had a successful, evil grin on his face. Sean lifted his hands so they cupped Mark's face, and leaned down, kissing him softly. Mark responded, but his actions were gentle now, allowing Sean to do as he pleased.

But they separated, and Mark opened his eyes to meet Sean's gaze. "You know you loved it."


A/N: That's it for this chapter! It's just a bunch of over-protectiveness and cute babies. Nothing crazy or really heated yet. Gonna save that for another chapter in the future. Don't worry, you'll get your fuckings eventually.

Sorry for the longer delay than usual. I've been trying to get a couple of friends away from their crazy-ass parents. So, yeah, bear with me, guys, I'm trying to save my friends in need. Don't worry, I'll be back on my regular schedule (hopefully) when this next week comes. So, yeah, look forward to that.

As always, tá lá iontach!

~ The Meaningless Author

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