01. facepaint

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They invaded us.
Crashed into our territory without warning.
A few of us greatly injured; and some,
We had to sprint quickly away.
I had to watch as my people rushed through the forest
as my sister and I swung from branches.
There's about 100 of them.

We captured one.


I forcefully shut the door behind me, entering the dim room where we held him hostage. He was brutally strung up, and a twinge of pity stabbed at my conscience.

The boy didn't take long to awake from his slumber, and once he did; he had no hesitation as to rhetorically ask, "Are you going to kill me? If so, just do it." His voice was weak, a tint of forceful strength intertwined.

"I'm not going to kill you." I snap at him, exchanging the seaweed along his chest with a new batch. I feel his confused gaze as I spread it across the slice punctured through his skin. "I don't make the choices around here."

He groans in pain, and I wince at the realization of my harsh gesture. I then begin to press lightly, and he notices my attention. "Why are you keeping me alive?" He asks through a strained voice.

I roll my eyes, disappointed that he hasn't figured out. "Well I'm definitely not going to save your life, goggle boy."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Maybe not to people like you." I pat the remainder of the moss, frustratedly wiping my hands against my jeans before storming off.

With my hand set on the door, he calls out to me. "Wait!" As he started choking on his words, I turned to face him. "One question."

"Does it have anything to do with murder?" I accuse him, only to receive a slow shake of his head.

"Why do you all wear so much face paint?"

What a random, peculiar type of wonder.

My mouth opens in amusement; then closing it off with a smirk. "Most of us use it to hide our features. So once we take it off, we won't be recognized."


The plan was risky,

Hopefully the boy we had set up as bait
won't remember me.

First step: get in.

Second: get information.

Third: get out.


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