07. accusations

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Kavita's POV

I was currently in the drop ship; aiding Monty as best as I could.

The jumbled wires and sparking electricity intrigued and terrified me. It all felt so familiar to them, but I only saw coloured string.

"So, tell me why we're doing this again?" I retreat my face from the separated wire which he asked me to 'splice,' as it began emitting flames once more.

He laughed at the struggle, and shuffled with his knees kept bent to the floor as he directed the two ends together. "So we can contact the Ark." Monty groaned, placing the wire in an increasing pile of colours. "I gave you a dead wire, sorry."

I waved it off, settling myself against the ship's wall. "Why would you want to do that?"

"What, contact the Ark?" He inquired with lifted eyebrows. I was dangling against a shaky rope, and I couldn't take the question back. "To tell them we're alive, so our parents can come down along with our workers."

I nod innocently, tying my fingers onto my lap. "I never knew my parents." I trailed the wonder into depression without intention.

"I'm sorry about that." He gripped onto one of my hands, giving a squeeze in comfort. Guilt stabbed at my kidney as I thought of Monty's betrayed expression if he were to find out. Most sky people treated me with tolerance and welcome; but it was only because they thought I was one of them.

That's the thing about labels; they matter even when you claim they don't.


By current time; I had finally learned how to splice a wire. The newfound technology was overwhelming and uncomfortably familiar in a way I couldn't describe.

Vague images blinked at my vision as I gripped onto a metal railing, terrifying me as I didn't know what caused the sudden action.

"Hey, Kavita!" Monty had rushed to my aid before my hold fully slipped off the metal. Once my hand released the structure, the faint pictures slowed to a complete stop - allowing me to take a breath. "You okay?"


I feel weak and stupid considering I have no clue on what the hell is happening to me, and I need to figure that out before I go insane of unanswered curiosity.

"I'll be fine." I fought out with a bitten lip.

The boy's expression wasn't expectantly reassured in the slightest. He was about to protest when Finn's bursting entrance stole Monty's ability to speak. "How's it going in here?" He asked breathlessly.

"I learned how to splice a wire," I squinted the sentence as if in hope it was interesting or the least bit impressing.

"I'm getting closer to contact the Ark," Monty paced his way to the tracker. "I have a feeling the wristbands would help but I'm afraid before obtaining one; I need to know what to do with it."

"Better than nothing." Finn flew an arm out to lightly shake the electrician's shoulder. "And splicing a wire that's-"


A brutal chant echoed from the outside as we took a brief moment to check one another's expression before bolting down.

I unnecessarily spun in directions to see if the sound was located other than what was apparently happening in front of my eyes. A boy's body began being roughly tied up by the neck, his arms tightened together to refrain him from escape.

"What the fuck!" I shouted in disbelief as I managed to make out Murphy's features beneath blood and dirt.

The attempt to make it through the closed crowd of stupid teenagers was not easy seeing as multiple - soon to be regretful bitches pushed other criminals from saving him. Acknowledging the fact that I couldn't make it, I whipped my direction to a frightful Charlotte.

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