04. bipolar blake

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Third Person POV

"You like her." The boy noted, the knife pointing towards the company's chest. "You're going weak already, Blake."

"I don't, and I'm not." Bellamy bit back, defending his pride.

"Then prove it, rebel." Dax curtsied before exiting the drop ship confidently.

The rebel himself stayed behind; a challenge had been formed and although he knew it would cost him in the future, Bellamy had belief in himself that he wasn't one to lose.


Kavita's POV

"How come you don't have a tent?" Octavia blurted, while aiding me set up a sleeping bag. "Not that I'm bothered with us sharing."

My breath hitched sharply, and I was certain she heard it. "It's complicated."

"How complicated?" Octavia pried, only causing my hands to tremble.

"Complicated to the point where it's wrong and unforgiving." I admit with a rushed tone - hoping she would brush it off if she hadn't heard correctly.

"You're not one of us, are you?"

The black fabric is then plopped against the dirt; and I am unable to say anything as she pieces the clues.

Already, Kavita?
You're already caught, and it's by a little girl.

"Be honest." Octavia brushes the leaves off my new 'bed', not meeting my eyes as she stands from her crouching position. "Were you going to use me for info?"

That, I was able to speak for. "No, I wasn't."

"Why?" She pushes once more.

I laugh at her question, confusing her as I gesture to the tent itself. "You took me in, defended my ass from your brother, and not to mention you're hell of a lot of fun."

Octavia breaks out into a smile, and right there and then I knew she was trustworthy. "I won't tell anyone. But, he's gotta find out sooner or later."

"He?" I send a pointed stare, only to shake my head. "Bellamy doesn't seem too fond of my 'kind.' Besides, there would be no reason as to tell him considering I leave in a few days."

"What? That soon?" She is disbelieved of my curfew, and I give a shrug of both shoulders.

"A few days could mean anything." I raise up, following Octavia out to find a few boys riling up towards the gate. "What's going on?"

"Bell's taking his men hunting. Our food supply is decreasing by the minute." She explains, her eyes attached on the equipped criminals.

Glancing at their figures, I find myself in a stride across the camp.

"Kavita, what the hell are you doing?" Octavia takes a snatch of my shoulder, turning my body to her eyes.

"I know those woods well." I scan the scattered pile of amateur weapons; stealing a dagger before continuing. "I'm going hunting."

"You're helping us?" The girl is dumbfounded, yet grateful for my occurring actions.

"It seems that all you want is survival, and I can help with that." I salute her jokingly, taking the chance of a wink as I arrive in the anxious group of young men.

"Where's Bellamy?" I call over their chatter, a boy pointing to the familiar outline buried through the crowd. Slipping past, I tap his shoulder before giving a smile. "I'm coming."

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