10. a knife and a little poison

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Kavita's POV

I was no longer in the drop ship, but in Octavia's tent. I took a small twist to glance around, and there she sat.

"Did I miss something?" Rubbing my forehead as I sat up, I questioned her.

"You passed out of exhaustion," she explained as she began putting pressure against a wound.

"You okay?" I shuffled over and she grinned.

"Now who's the one asking questions?" I raised my finger to point it out but she held a hand up. "Before you say anything, that was rhetorical."

My hand slowly dropped as a small smile puffed up my cheeks. "They saw me cry, didn't they?"

"Well it was very obvious, Kavita. But is that such a bad thing?" Octavia asked with light hand gestures.

"Because it shows weakness and," I stood from my position, ready to leave the shelter. "I've been taught all my life to never show that."

"Crying doesn't show weakness, Kavita," Octavia responds before I'm able to exit. "It shows that you've been strong for too long."


A sudden blinding effect of the sun's rays surprises me as I thought the rain was again crashing against the ground.

Everything was back before the shadow of grey clouds fogged over us; a couple exhausted teenagers currently fanning each other with the biggest leaves I've ever seen, and the rest working on what they were assigned to.

Abruptly, I felt a pull on my arm and I reluctantly jolt away. I considered it a good move as I realized Bellamy looming over quite regretfully.

"Don't fucking touch me," I spat out, childishly wiping his 'dna' off. "You probably have that grounder's blood all over your fingers."

"Why do you care about him so much?" He shockingly snapped.

Taken aback, I slowly enlarged our distance. "If you're here to yell at me for caring, I'd rather not have this conversation."

He groaned, biting quite violently at his lip as if the action could suck back in the words he had blurted out. "I'm sorry, just let me speak for once."

"Oh I've let you speak many-"

"Just for once, Kavita!" He placed his hand over my mouth, silencing me in a rough manner. Bellamy, as I noticed, had closed the space I created; and unable to speak, I just nodded.

"I'm sorry. I was acting for the camp and as silly as it sounded at first, I then realized that Octavia was right," he huffed. "I don't know if this one man was the one murdering our people."

I was on the brink of exploding with anger, prepared to rip his hand off and twist his wrist if needed. Rolling my eyes, I thought he was done when he continued.

"I need you to know that it honestly hurt me more to have seen you breaking than torturing the grounder," his eyes told me that he wasn't expecting to have said that himself. "And I need you to know that sometimes people go insane to protect those he leads, and people can think they do the right thing when really it could hurt someone."

I took a brief second to search his expression. Not to figure out if it was a lie - I could tell just by the speed of his words that it wasn't. I was scanning his face for no particular reason, and I knew it but I couldn't stop.

As he blinked, it almost sent me back to reality and I pried his hand off. "I understand," I admit, letting his arm drop after giving it a slight squeeze.

"Oh thank god!" He practically shouted, and I laughed at his cheeky grin. With my hands, I repeatedly lowered them to hush him. "Now that that's done," he grabbed my hands once again, allowing them to rest in the protection of his giant fingers. "I was wondering if you could help me out on this hunting trip-"

"Bellamy!" A pitched, feminine voice spoke up from behind me and I unwillingly slipped from his grasp. Her blonde locks swayed as she confidently strutted in the middle of us, practically shoving me behind as if I was nothing but a sack of oxygen and blood.

"Margaery," her name rolled off his tongue like a question.

She flipped her strands along her shoulders, flicking me against the eyes. "I can't find my shirt, where did you put it?" The air contained in my lungs choked on itself as I understood the meaning of her inquiry.

"I don't know, I threw it somewhere - never mind, just get yourself another one," my legs found themselves marching off and I let them. "Wait, Kavita!" I didn't allow myself to reply, the oxygen was still locked through my throat.


Nothing good lasts for long, apparently.


Third person POV

Kavita entered the drop ship with hesitation, but her legs flew as she began at the ladder. She slams the opening on Clarke, ignoring her offended cry as she pushed past to Lincoln.

Octavia delicately cleaned his hand, murmuring quite unforgiving words.

"What happened?" Kavita spoke up, taking piece of cloth to wipe away excess blood on her best friend's cheek. "While I was out," she added.

"I dont think you'd like Raven if I tell you-"

"Who's Raven?" Kavita's temper built as she tilted her head, knowing why Octavia would say such a thing.

"Never mind," she dismissed the thought. "However, I was able to stop it."

Kavita's eyes bulged in appreciation, "How?"

"A knife and a little poison is a girl's best friend here on earth."

They shared a light laugh and a high five, unknowingly causing Lincoln to smile. "You got that right," Kavita agreed.

With a few more chuckles, silence loomed over them in a comfortable state. The shuffling of their feet and the sound of towels being rinsed echoed the floor level before Kavita marched over to Octavia to engulf her in a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered against the young Blake's shoulder.

"For what?"

Kavita peeled off gently, sending a smile. "For everything."




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