06. fire and water

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Kavita's POV

As if the current amount of uncomfortable goosebumps was not good enough for earth, it's given me the opportunity to watch a murder; caught by the two sides of telling or keeping shut.

Seeing as the camp's blonde princess had an absolute breakdown, I decide she deserved to know. I planned to cross paths, to tell her the news before any accusations were made.

It was more complicated than I assumed to find the girl, but once I did I held no hesitation.

She was fiddling with useless sticks, definitely trying to forget or at least calm herself. I took the little space along the log, sitting beside her as she smiles forcefully to me.

"I'm sorry, about what happened." I started simply, rubbing the nail of my thumb in anxiety. She didn't reply with words but with a slight nod. "I think you deserve to know that a grounder hadn't killed him."

The girl shot her eyes at mine with agonizing curiosity. "It was Charlotte."

She shook her head at me, practically spitting the somber laugh which flew from her lips. "What a joke." Lifting from her position, she whipped off the sticks before trailing away.

I followed closely behind her, infuriated that she hadn't believed me. "It's true, I saw her!"

"She's just a little girl."

"Which makes it all the more serious and psychopathic." I commented pointedly, only angering the princess.

"You're lying." She bit back, standing her crumbling ground.

"Fine, don't believe me. But don't you dare be crawling back once you see how this'll affect everyone else here."

The stupidity of the girl pissed me off, along with everything that's been happening so far. Other than Octavia, nothing was to tolerate around the camp.

I had watched as she stormed off in disbelief, but as I turned back around I was abruptly met with my back against the rocks. The earth pushed up against my spine, lifting the ends of the shirt as I laid there in sudden shock.

"Shit," a voice mumbled, carelessly bringing me back to my feet with scrawny arms. "I'm so sorry I just-"

I waved his frantic apology with a laugh; brushing the back of my thighs to peel off chips of bark and damp grass. "It's okay, I didn't see where I was going."

My eyes raised to meet his face, and a sharp breath hitched along my throat.

"You look vaguely familiar." He suddenly began scanning mine with traumatic glances. I attempt to remain calm, but with my hands dripping of sweat, it wasn't hard to tell the silent panic attack I was experiencing at the moment.

Octavia noticed the way Jasper stared, quickly stepping in between us and shooing him off. "I think it's best that you find Monty and catch up."

He nodded hesitantly, his eyes fixed on me before he turns away. "Holy shit." I finally breathed out, dropping my shoulders which I hadn't known to have raised.

"How does he know you?" She raises a worried eyebrow, but I am once again grateful for her.

"I was the one who healed him - kept him alive."

"So your people could string him up as live bait, how nice." Octavia began making her way away from me, but I hadn't let her go as easily as blondie.

"My people planned on torturing him for information, then killing him. I made a compromise." I explained, but she yanked her arm away.

"Of tying him to a tree, so my friends, along with my brother," she breathed, disbelieved of things which I had no control over. "Could go find him and be set up as bait."

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