05. hot mess

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Third Person POV

The subtle breathing of Charlotte was the pair's pathetic distraction of themselves. Bellamy had slid against the cave's walls, keeping watch of the little girl with the raising and dropping chest. He had recently aided her of her nightmares, not thinking of how it could affect others in the early future.

Kavita fumbled with her feet, still standing with her back against the stone. She had been wanting to call him out of his bipolar mess, but she had continued telling herself it could wait five minutes.

"Stop that." Bellamy mumbles, finally meeting eyes with the grounder.

She sends a glare through the lashes of her view, crossing her arms. "Stop what?"

"You always play with either your fingers or feet when you're anticipating for something." He notes down, and Kavita is surprised he noticed the little gestures.

"I'm not anticipating-"

"No." Bellamy launches from his spot to raise on his posture. "I was wrong, you're thinking about something."

"Great observation Bipolar Blake." Kavita grins at her sudden choice of nickname, earning a roll of the eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" He questions, absentmindedly making his way to the middle of their distance.

"You." She replies smoothly, not wanting to add games to the conversation. "How can one be so sweet at first then bite like a bitch later on?"

Bellamy clenches his fists in attempt to calm his occurring words. "It's complicated."

Kavita then releases a dark laugh, arching her back. "Bullshit! I doubt it's anywhere near to complicated."

"You're right, it's not." He makes one step forward, causing her to push her spine against the wall once again; thinking it would somehow return the distance. "I just don't want to tell you."

"Guess the camp was right." Bellamy challenges her averted gaze, standing still at his current spot in front of Kavita. "You are a sex-driven, selfish asshole who hops from girl to girl. I actually thought they were wrong," she throws her arms out, frustrated. "But now I see."

"I don't-"

"No." She waves him off, her rant increasing. "What did you want, Blake? To get in my pants? Was I too slow for you?" Kavita throws herself from her leaning position, shoving him at the chest.

"I wasn't trying to get into your pants! Hell, I only knew you for what - three, four days?" He defends himself, only earning another scoff.

"Tell that to the girls you've already banged."

Bellamy is about to respond, when he withdraws his lifted finger. "You're jealous."

"In your dreams." Kavita is taken aback by his assumption, shrinking her shoulders.

"You're mad that I'm not giving you enough attention anymore."

"You never gave me that much attention, like you said; we only met three days ago." She is then backed up once more, Bellamy being the cause.

"Everyday counts down here." He whips out his arms, caving her in as he sets them beside her head.

Kavita finds herself in a tip-toe position. Although she was fairly tall, she was no match to Bellamy's height as she desired to stare him down.

The pair is silent.

Heavy breathing.
Flickering eyes.
Reeks of anxiety.

"I'm not jealous." Kavita breaks with a whisper, listening in to the calls from outside of their temporary shelter. She glances at the two hands placed near her figure, taking them with her own as she drops them at his side.

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