03. i ship it

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"We are not!" I launched a fallen nut against Lincoln's head. He held up a hand for protection as he laughed at my infuriated expression.

We had met not too far from the camp's distance, up in a tree too tall to be seen. He had been teasing about Finn, disgusting me with his remarks.

"I mean, a lot of them seem to be interested." He shrugged, nuzzling against the tree.

Sarcastically gagging, I threw another. "They're practically children. Wild hormones, brother."

He triggered out yet a repeated laugh, glancing up at the scattered stars among us. The sky had been empty, but it seemed that the heavens had thrown over a bucket of glitter above; some in a convenient alignment.

"Well, not all of them are children."

"Instead he just acts like one." I retorted, an image of Bellamy aligning across my mind like the stars caving around us.

"I don't know," he started; slowly raising his hands for defence. "You two are cute."

"What?" I practically fell from the branch, regaining balance as I grip from the bark. Sending a burning glare towards Lincoln, I started my way down. "I've had enough of your dating requests. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Say hello to lover boy for me!" He twirled an acorn around his fingers before throwing it above his head only to catch it.

I stuck my tongue out at him, as he responded the same way.

The climb down had been rapid, and I chose to jump the small rest of the way down. Brushing the chips of wood off my clothes, I then made my way back to camp.

"Ran away again?"

I instinctively whipped my head around, keeping my calm as lover boy swayed towards me. Two nicknames so far. "No, as you can see I am coming back to camp."

"Yes but you're if coming back, you have to run away first." He pointed out, causing me to absentmindedly roll my eyes.

"I didn't even run. I walked-" I snapped at him, "-can't I be walkaway or something?"

"Okay then," he rushed in front of me, opening the gate doors as I watched him gratefully. He only smiled before continuing. "Why did you walk away?"

"Same as yesterday; went for a stroll." I shrugged, attempting to cover the feeling of walking against thin waters as I realized-fully-exactly of my actions.

I was associating with sky people. Intruders, and criminals. I was able to sneak into their base, and I'm currently chatting with their so-called leader who uses his ability of manipulation and encouragement to negative use.

"Liar." He bit, unknowingly following my way towards a location I, myself hadn't known.

"I thought I was runaway." Bellamy pauses in his spot, lightly tilting his head with a grin. I continue my stride across camp; before he calls out.

"I've never really met anyone like you."

I set a finger along my chin, sending a pointed glare. "Is that an insult, or a compliment?"

He shrugs, a light-arrogant laugh accompanying the gesture. "Think of it as you'd like."

"Well the thing is," I started with a tug of my hair, retreating the lock behind my ear. "There's no one here really like me."


Third Person POV


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