12. berries and guns

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    Kavita had two choices here.

Save Bellamy, or help Lincoln escape. In other words, save a man whom she barely knows, or save her best friend.

The choice should've been easy, but it wasn't. She paced back and forth behind the tent as she tried to make a decision quickly.

    Bellamy had already left, meaning Dax was probably following closely behind. Lincoln is trapped-

    "Wow, a princess!"

    Her attention whipped over to a young boy, possibly no more than the age of 16, bowing down at the girl's feet. His eyes were glazed with admiration as he stared at Kavita from below.

    "Excuse me?" She stepped back.

    He scrambled to his feet, taking her hands delicately in his. "You're the fairy princess! My god, you're exactly how I pictured you'd be."

    Kavita slipped her hands out of his, throwing him an appalled look before shoving the boy out of the way. As soon as she stepped back into the crowd, she realized she was standing in a circus.

Teenagers everywhere were acting up; taking their clothes off and playing with imaginary beings. She shook her head and closed her eyes, praying that she was merely hallucinating.

    I wasn't, and this was real.

She shuffled her way through the pile of bodies prancing around, confused and slightly terrified. A shoulder bumped into her, and she fell to the ground.

    "Who the fuck-" she was about to confront the girl who had been carelessly sprinting around the camp, until her eyes landed on a scattered pile of goji berries.

    Oh my god, these idiots.

After finding the evidence of the camp's circus show, she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Kavita covered her mouth as she twirled around on the spot, observing the entertainment.

    Suddenly, her heel caught itself in the dirt. Kavita's eyes shot through the moving campers and landed on Octavia, who was giving everyone a kind, but fake, smile as she handed out the rations.

    "What a genius," the grounder muttered to herself.

Kavita began running over to the Blake, calling out her name and causing Octavia to turn to her.

    "Please don't tell me you ate the berries," Octavia's shoulders dropped in disappointment.

    "Don't worry, I've been learning the different types of berries since I was little," Kavita scoffed.

    "Hardcore," Octavia smirked, before her head abruptly turned to the sound of a boy hollering and ripping his clothes off. She rushed over, taking his jacket and coat and grasping Kavita's wrist.

    Octavia lead her inside the drop ship, a hopeful glint in her eyes. "How long do those berries last?"

    Kavita's eyebrows rose, "At least until the sun falls."

    "Then we have to do this fast," she squeezed Kavita's hand before leaving her on the first floor of the drop ship.

The grounder watched as Octavia climbed up the ladder in a hurry, her head held up high as realization dawned on her. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of the idea before.


    Kavita waited under the ladder as she fiddled with her fingers, and her boots creating a rhythm on the metal floor. She was close to going up there herself until she heard the latch opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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